Is there a "patch.exe" ??

I'm trying to get a database caching system called memcached running on win32. I'm using vs2008. I found a version of memcached that's ported to win32. this version has a file named "libevent-1.4.4.diff" with instruction to:

"Apply the patch using a command line like: patch -E -p 1 -i libevent.diff".

I can't find a program called "patch". Anyone give me a clue what i'm looking for or where to look? Thanks for the help.
patch is a *nix command.

You can download a Windows version here:

However, if you use the GNU tools (MinGW) then you can use MSYS Supplimentary tools (DTK), which provides a version of patch.

There is also, of course, Cygwin...

Hope this helps.
Thanks so much for your answer. there'a a lot in your reply that i have to research, but i believe you've given me enough to do some google'ing and get it figured out. Thanks for getting me pointed the right direction.
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