I'm sorry, this doesn't sound very advanced... I'm sort of a novice to C++ therefore I don't know this. Okay, I am trying to do some work on Linux but I don't know how to load a GIF file on it. I use Red Hat (it's a really old one, like 5-10 years) and the GIF loader on the main page of cplusplus.com doesn't work- when I try to use it it won't compile because of "windows.h" Can someone please help me?
Actually I don't care about the operating system. I know Red Hat Linux is old but I also have a Scientific Linux that is working fine. Will that work? Actually the website where I found the gif loader is on cplusplus.com (http://cplusplus.com/src/) then scroll down till you get to "Windows programs". There will be a BMP loader and GIF view.