Create Large File Quickly


I am trying to create a large file (5-50 MB) and I am looking for a quick way to do it. I know I can use calloc to allocate large areas in memory, but I'm not sure how to associate that with a file. I think fseek should also do it, but I also want to fill the memory with 0's.

I am making a bastardized file system which will exist as a large file and here is what I am currently doing.
char * buffer = (char*)calloc(clusterSize*KB, systemSize/clusterSize);
FILE myFile = fopen(name, "w+");
fseek or lseek plus write should do the work. That means after call fseek/lseek to set the file size, you must call write to wirte at least 1 byte at the seeked location, then all file's bytes are 0 except what you write earlier.
It seems fwrite is what I was looking for. Thanks EricDu for the response.
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