Linux IDE

Pages: 12
I Just got UBUNTU installed on my computer. What IDE do you suggest for C/C++?
I personally suggest Code::Blocks
See for more info on IDEs
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
I recommend Netbeans myself, you can install both using the Ubuntu Software Center.
The Eclipse Helios and CDT 7 rock.

I personally flip flop. I used pico (really cool), Emacs (too much commands but defiantly powerful, and Code::blocks (One I'm use too).
It's no IDE but I'm very happy with using gedit (the default texteditor on Ubuntu) and plain Makefiles or directly g++ from the commandline.
- Gives me full control
IDEs give you the same control as makefiles and command line but they also provide other features...
Well... How can you tell how much control I have when using an IDE? Often, I'm already losing control when waiting for them to load :P

I guess it comes down to personal preference.
Good IDEs allow you to type/edit command line and use makefiles, you regain the time you pay on startup on project management
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
I despise gedit because it lacks a very fundamental feature of any code-editor: code-folding.

When you have a 2000 line file, not having folding is a massive pain.
@darkestfright: When I run into a 2000 line source file, code folding is the least of my worries.

But I agree with you. gedit is little better than VIM for software development. Worse really, since it doesn't have regex search/replace.
Good IDEs allow you to type/edit command line and use makefiles
The commandline allows me to do that as well.
you regain the time you pay on startup on project management
No, I don't.
@JoR: This isn't a conversation about you using an IDE vs other tools. This was a question asked by the OP about what IDE we'd suggest for him.

The link provided at the top, or an article I wrote a few years ago is definitely still valid.

You can do most things an IDE offers manually by using a command line and a text editor, but this is often times slower and more prone to human error. This is fine if the projects you are working on consist of only a few small files, but larger more complex projects benefit greatly from using an IDE.

IDE's offer: quick compilation, code-assist, source-control integration, multiple-projects into a single solution/workspace, quick and easy configuration of the build environment, code generation.
Zaita, do we discuss the question if IDE's are suprerior to other tools now or not?
If we don't, what does you post add to the topic then?

Otherwise, I can just say that still disagree with your and Bazzys statements and encourage everyone to make his or her own experiences with AND without using an IDE.
The OP specifically asked for an IDE
IDE is for dummies! Just use vi + gcc

Just kidding :D

I suggest the Code::Blocks IDE. The Code Blocks's official website is:
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I use vi. I don't see what all the fuss is about... They all do the trick.
I use Eclipse with CDT 7; it plays well with the GNU toolchain & make.
I have just posted a Linux Vim programmers aid at Vim Online called Vimake which acts like an IDE in that you can compile most popular programming languages such as C/C++ Objective-C Nasm Gas(as) ect at the touch of a button. You could give it a try.
Try Anjuta
Pages: 12