a question about boost thread

hi everyone
i want to write a multithread program with libboost_thread but the problem is that it only supports functions with no arguments what should i do if iwnat to use it with arguments ?
i believe you can use the bind() function provided by the boost::bind library

boost::thread your_thread( boost::bind(&your_function, param1, param2, .....) );

In this way, you can bind parameters to the function and they will be passed in as normal.
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Newer versions of the Boost Thread Library permit this without using bind().

Search for "Thread Constructor with arguments" at http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_40_0/doc/html/thread.html

But a solution for older versions of Boost is to use a functor and pass the arguments to its constructor. Example here: http://antonym.org/2009/05/threading-with-boost---part-i-creating-threads.html
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