asn1 function in openssl

I have a structure like this:

name (maxsize:255)
age (range:0-99)
phone (maxsize:15)
address (maxsize:255)

i want to use asn1 format to create my structure, openssl has some api to use it by ASN1 apis, sadly openssl docs didn't help me. but i want to use openssl functions.
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OpenSSL does have asn1 functions, and it does work, and it is ubiqutous. But it's the among the worse written software I've ever had to work with.

My recomendation would be to use the programs that ship with openssl, but don't use the libs unless you have no choice.

As far as ASN.1 goes, if you need to use it from a program there's libasn1 and this (they're probably the same thing).
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