If any of you do C++ development for trading or any real time financial systems can you give me your input on what kinds of common problems to look for when designing and developing real time systems that take real time input.
I'm brainstorming so please do not feel any input is useless input. Thx!!
PS if I posted this in the wrong forum please direct me to the right one.
Well, I do/did? C development on trading systems, the word that springs to mind is latency.
Thanks for your response, that is definitely an area I was looking for. Can you please tell me in your experience where are the main areas where latency issues occurred when you were building/maintaining your trading systems? I.E was it during data transactions over the network etc
I know I'm asking a broad question but can you please just give me some examples in your own experience. I understand that latency can be an issue but at this point I'm finding it hard to visualize it so please share with me a little more detail I would greatly appreciate!!
Interesting that you should be investigating C++ for Financial System. I've been doing that for 40 years, but mainly in Fortran and then "C", and then "C++", then Java, and back to Fortran95 and now finally C++. However, I use end of day data, and that gets pretty heavy duty. I can't imagine trying real time.