Lounge - October 2022

by helios
Getting pretty sick of Rust's BS
Why does everyone want to be clever? I'm not gonna blame you if you want to specify your program in ...
[7 replies] Last: rust - a flaky coat caused by corrosion I have only a very superficia... (by seeplus)
Anti Virus software?
Hi I need some advice on what is a good anti virus for windows 10 Thanks
[6 replies] Last: MS’s Defender is perfectly fine. Don’t do risky stuff. I have a... (by Duthomhas)
vcpkg and why I like it
vcpkg is a package manager, created and maintained by Microsoft and usable on Windows, Linux and Mac...
[12 replies] Last: And if the library files you've just deleted were a dependency for an... (by helios)
by zapshe
I'm a genius
I've been working on an engineering project involving BLDC motors and some coding. It's a heavy duty...
[6 replies] Last: Happy to say the idea worked out pretty well. Had a hiccup where the s... (by zapshe)
by helios
Modern CPUs are pretty amazing
Related: https://cplusplus.com/forum/lounge/47826/ (You don't need to read it to understand this pos...
[9 replies] Last: I always thought it was sort of a bullshit value anyway, especially s... (by zapshe)
  Archived months: [sep2022] [nov2022]

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