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Help - Noob trying to create a Website

Jan 1, 2012 at 11:26am
Hello all,

I have been programming in C/C++ for a long time.

As a Hobby, I would like to make a step into Website development. I volunteered to make a website for our local pub for free. No time pressure, I get to learn new things, and maybe few free drinks! ;)

Can somebody please guide me how to start? Which language, platform etc.? I am quite open to learning things. If I need to learn Java, I would do that too. But just that I want to start with the latest technology! Please consider that I could work only with freeware, as I work for free!
Jan 1, 2012 at 1:14pm
HTML, CSS and PHP should be enough. Find all here:

A text editor is all you need... unless you want eye candy and animations... Dreamweaver and Flash come to mind.

Good luck.
Jan 1, 2012 at 3:42pm
Here is a nice todo list :)

Html: a markup language (google search what hmtl for a full definition)
My quick little definition is that anything that will be show are your websites is all withen html tags.

Css also known as Cascading style sheet. It is used to add style to your website

Javascript which pretty much is define in its name its a scripting language. It gives you all the conditions statements that we have in c++. For example; for, if, do while, etc it also allows for other statements to be done. The nice thing is that the scripting languages for website is the same written the same with c++ example
if () { } :D life made easy

Pretty much those 3 are the things that are alway taught first and for a good reason since those 3 are the basis for majority of websites.

In the order of how you should start

1) html
3) Css

*** Javascript and Css could be learned at the same time if you really wished too since Javascript will just full you with nostalgia of c++ that you will breeze right through it***

After you have completed those three then you can venture into Server scripting which is what PHP is. I personally would not recommand PHP as one of the first thing you learn because of the fact that.

W3schools.com is a nice place with a good amount of information that they offer to you all in once location, but they never really go into depth with many of their tutorials. They also miss alot of key information .So I would recommend that like anything you learn don't just take i from one source :). Besides that you should be well on your way.

Also dreamweaver is like a ton down simplifed way of creating websites it pretty much a crutch to help you walk but that same crutch greatttttlllyyyy limits you in what you can do. In the end you will end up realizing if you switch from dreamweaver to just using web design without you will find it harder because that crutch made life easier for you and did all the tough work. When I was learning about web design in high school I remember that our class for out first year we were suppose to use dreamweaver but we didn't though the other class did. Next year came and we drop dreamweaver because of how you just can not do much with it. The people that used dreamweaver struggle without it for a while So I would not recommand it. :) but in the end its your choice.

All you need is a text editor like notepad but if you want to use a IDE to help you to make things colour coded and so on you can use HTML KIT. It is very useful. But I would first make some websites with notepad first. since it forces you to do manual check and so on.

If you ever need any help with the coding or some useful links just give a shout :)
Last edited on Jan 1, 2012 at 4:19pm
Jan 1, 2012 at 5:29pm
You should learn HTML DOM, JQuery and PHP after HTML, Javascript and CSS (not necessarily in that order).
Jan 1, 2012 at 6:31pm
@luckycusp Hey, I can help you with that if you want. I'm quite proficient in all those things. By the way for some websites you can actually skip the javascript or jquery part, since you can easily do rollovers using css nowadays. You'll only need javascript most of the time for form validation, random banners, or creating rollovers that work on IE6.

Anyways, you'll only need php or server-side scripting if you're interested in making a content management system, a login system, or a feedback form. It might not really be that necessary for a website for a pub though if you ask me.
Last edited on Jan 1, 2012 at 6:32pm
Jan 1, 2012 at 6:33pm
Dear All,

Thanks for your suggestions and help (especially stormhawk)! I will get down with the work now :)

Jan 2, 2012 at 6:28am
Np Luckycusp and have fun xD
Jan 2, 2012 at 7:44am
Yo You might want to use html5.
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