A whois lookup of the URL provided by holtaf shows that this domain regitrar is MARKMONITOR INC. a company that says it protects a brands online reputation. In case you are wondering the registrar for this site is normally ENOM, INC.
The DNS information shows that the two sites are registered on different name servers located in different states.
The source code for each site is not only identical, but it's exactly the same as far as I can tell (I ran a program I had written to do text comparisons between two files and grabbed each sites main page).
I'd assume that this is a legit mirror that the Admin setup incase something happened to his origional.
EDIT: The "mirror" site is hosted on a google server I show 8 hops between me and it vs the 13 between me and the main www.cplusplus.com this explains the increase in speed but your experiance WILL very from mine.
@ helios: Yeah, I was showing off... I know it's not a real accomplishment to write a program that opens two files and does a string comparison but I had it so I used it.