C++\CLI what is it??

Pages: 12
closed account (z05DSL3A)
sasanet wrote:
oh comon man who will learn f***ing C# and then .NET and then C++\CLI and then to be able start learnig C++ GUI programing.
You do not have to learn the [b].net framework to do GUI/graphical programming with C++.[/b]

If your aim is to learn C++, do not go anywhere near C++/CLI until you know C++ (and probably the .net framework). If you want to do GUI and graphics, then learn the native APIs or use libraries like wxWidgets et al. If you ask which one is best, you will get many answers; the best you can do is make a list and spend a bit of time looking at the documentation for the libraries. I'm the kind of person that likes to start at the bottom and work my way up, so I would say start with Windows API*. You will end up writing lots of code and gaining a lot of info about how Windows works. Others would say go for more of a top down approach, learn a highly abstracted library and don't worry about the details.

When and if you want to learn about the .net framework, it is easier to learn it with C# as the programming language. C++/CLI is more for people that have a lot of history with C++ and want to take that on to the .net framework. The fact that you can mix C, C++, and C++/CLI all in the same file ofen leads to very bad code from beginner programmers.

* NB: Windows API is procedural not Object Oriented.
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Pages: 12