Shell coding environment

Hey guys, currently I do all of my school work (programming) using SSH secure shell client to get on my schools linux server, on a plain black and white, with some grey thrown in there if i'm using emacs.

Is there a better/different program to do this with? I like to see colors and stuff (lol) while I am coding instead of just the plain black and white, and since it takes up the majority of my waking hours I want a "cooler" environment.

Any suggestions?
It sounds like you're pretty limited. If, and it's a big if, the server is configured to allow it, VNC might be an option. Probably not worth even trying, though.

If you can run vncserver on the box, you might be good. Then you just connect to it with TightVNC or similar application. Then you can start up a desktop like gnome.
There is also some simple port forwarding.

Oh, don't forget that you need an X server running on your home machine. If you are using Windows, I recommend something simple like Xming.

Hope this helps.
What are you accomplishing with the ssh shell? Why do you have to do your schoolwork on that server?

Do you have any socket programming experience?
I guess I don't have to do anything on their server, I could use my own, as long as it's the g++ compiler. I like the unix environment, so I don't really want to use a windows application at the moment.

No I do not have any socket programming experience.
Well you could just install a virtual machine of whatever distro they're using.
That's a lot of work.

It is a lot easier to just dial in and work on one set of sources, on the target machine, than it is to keep track of multiple sources and VMs.

That said, I've done it both ways. Because my home machine is set up for development, I would usually just develop at home for both systems, then go through a cycle or two of test and fix for the target. That way my professors could compile my homework either at school (SunOS) or on their own PCs.
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