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Unpopular opinions

Pages: 12
Nov 3, 2024 at 10:30pm
The plural of "layoff" is "layoves".

Every non-pressurized drink should come in a bag, as it's a much more efficient packaging (assuming it must be disposable).

They should make mirrored keyboards for left-handed people, and we should trick new left-handed people into believing that's the kind of keyboard they're supposed to use. The keyboard should have its functions mirrored as well, so if you press the key labeled "←" it moves the cursor to the right on the screen, and backspace should be delete, and vice versa.
Nov 3, 2024 at 10:49pm
but if you need to hire a bunch of people, is it a layon? Or a standup?

efficient packaging depends on what you mean by efficient. Being stackable is efficient in some ways. Recycle AL cans are generally better than any kind of plastic, for the environment, so are glass bottles. The bags are usually a type of plastic and while that *can* often be recycled (a lot of work has gone into doing these better) a lot of places DO NOT actually recycle plastic and some places even fake it by collecting plastics but dumping them instead because no way to sort the plastic types, no place to recycle it, etc. And there have been problems, like plastic with bad chemistry used in cookware that is bad for the users.

I am left handed, and of all the things that are unworkable in life because of it, keyboards and computers have never been one of them for me (yes, I got that you were joking). I am find with normal keyboards and normal mouse, don't even left hand mouse. Things that throw me are ... simple spiral wound notebooks are not usable unless you do something weird like start on the 'last' page. Classic desks with an arm rest for right handed people are why my posture and sitting style are ruined for life. A number of firearms are only partly or not at all fixed for lefties, throwing hot brass onto the shooter or making you do something weird to use the safety etc. Scissors, tools, ... lots of little daily aggravations.

Last edited on Nov 3, 2024 at 10:51pm
Nov 4, 2024 at 12:18am
but if you need to hire a bunch of people, is it a layon? Or a standup?
It's a standup, and the hires must perform short comedy routines for their new, most humorless coworkers. That's how you weed out the weak ones.

efficient packaging depends on what you mean by efficient.
I'm thinking in terms of volume once empty. I really hate how much space bottles take up in the trash.

Things that throw me are ... simple spiral wound notebooks are not usable unless you do something weird like start on the 'last' page.
Those are bad even for right-handed people. A trick I figured out in college was to write so that the spiral was always on my left. If you take any of my notes from that period, the first page on each sheet is normal, and the other side is upside down.

Classic desks with an arm rest for right handed people
Again, those are just bad (although I can see how they'd be even worse if you're left-handed). It seems like they're intended to be used by writing while sitting upright, but doing that seems impossible to me.
Nov 5, 2024 at 2:51pm
Driving opinions:
- People should use turn signals by second nature, even if nobody is around to see it.
- People should always have some sort of lights active on the front of their cars, even in broad daylight, to improve reaction time and make the car more visible.
- Turn signals should always be a different color than brake lights in order for others to differentiate intention in a split second, and to avoid issues where it's ambiguous with braking when some of the lights are broken.

- Australian is the best dialect of English (brekky, maccas, how ya going, servo, etc.), and British is the worst (cheese toasties?)
- Bottle caps should be attached to the bottle even after being opened.
- Sans-serif fonts that don't differentiate 'I' and 'l' are just the worst.
- YYYY/MM/DD is the best way to date something due to it keeping chronological order.
- Every single GUI option in an application should have an equivalent way to do that option through the command-line, with exceptions for things that are meant to be done in real-time only, or games, or for safety.
- If you start your unsolicited IM/chat with "hi" instead of directly asking me a question, I'M GOING TO IGNORE YOU FOR AS LONG AS POSSIBLE.
- Every new bridge should be designed to allow for safe pedestrian travel, and existing ones modified if possible.

I realize these aren't all necessarily "unpopular" opinions, they're more-so just humorous/pet peeve opinions.

so if you press the key labeled "←" it moves the cursor to the right on the screen
This actually happens when you change the language to an RtL one like Arabic, on some computers.
Last edited on Nov 5, 2024 at 3:13pm
Nov 5, 2024 at 5:05pm
People should use turn signals by second nature, even if nobody is around to see it.
A lot people treat turn signals as a formality, something they're supposed to do when they turn, rather than as a notice to the people around them. Therefore they signal the exact moment they're executing the maneuver.

brekky, maccas, how ya going, servo, etc.
Also: footy, ute, chuck a uey.
Counterpoint: they say "Seega" instead of "Sega", or at least Millennial Aussies do.
Nov 5, 2024 at 5:27pm
"Foster's" for beer, generic.

"Throw another shrimp on the barbie!" Bastardized for the US, though. Down Under it would be prawns.
Nov 5, 2024 at 6:01pm
The plural of "layoff" is "layoves".

American English has never been logical or easy to learn even for an English as a first language speaker.
Nov 5, 2024 at 7:53pm
I actually agree with all the “driving” opinions.

- Australian...
I do be liking Irish better.

so if you press the key labeled "←" it moves the cursor to the right on the screen
This actually happens when you change the language to an RtL one like Arabic, on some computers.
It is actually pretty annoying to try to cursor through mixed RtL and LtR fields, since you have to switch between left and right arrow buttons just to keep going the same direction.

Arrow buttons should function so that the cursor moves in the same direction as the molded arrow on the key, regardless of language.

People should be required to wear name tags.
(At least until we get the floating name above people’s heads.)

Lane splitting is moronic. (And if you die because you were lane splitting, it was your own feepin fault!)
Last edited on Nov 5, 2024 at 7:54pm
Nov 7, 2024 at 1:49pm
People should be required to wear name tags.
With optional IPA pronunciation below it :)

Therefore they signal the exact moment they're executing the maneuver.
The best (/s) is when they brake and then put on the turn signal. I could have prepared slightly better if you had done the turn signal, then braked. Obligatory note that one shouldn't be close enough for that to become a dangerous situation in the first place, but hey sometimes split seconds matter; we're all human.
Last edited on Nov 7, 2024 at 1:53pm
Nov 7, 2024 at 5:02pm
I've never seen that here. Almost everyone slows down well in advance of their turn, which makes the ones who expect you to read their movements all the more annoying.
But no, the best is when they turn from the second lane while being just barely ahead of you, so it doesn't even matter if they had signaled or not. "Well, this is my turn. Everyone else, watch out!" A couple weeks ago I saw a guy turn from either the third or the fourth lane.
Nov 7, 2024 at 6:56pm
do be liking Irish better.

Nov 7, 2024 at 9:13pm
Lol, I’ve done never seen that one before.

EDIT: Coming back, it occurs to me that my response might be misread. I mean that I had not seen that before, and thought it was funny. (The “have done” is a way of saying that I have no longer never seen it.)
Last edited on Nov 8, 2024 at 4:29am
Nov 8, 2024 at 4:33pm
Prithee, Good Sir, thou doth explain too much.
Nov 8, 2024 at 5:10pm
If you have no longer never seen it, we could say you have longer ever seen it, which is to say that you have already ever seen it. Therefore we can conclude that "longer" is a synonym of "already", therefore I invite everyone to use such phrases as "the Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge is the alreast bridge in the world" ("alrea" obviously being an adjective, and -dy being an alternative comparative suffix), without any context.
Nov 9, 2024 at 3:34am
Coming back, it occurs to me that the elucidation of my previous response may have been insufficient; an alrear explanation is clearly needed. Having been in a state of not having seen it, it is unlonger in said state, the action of having seen it terminating the prior unseen state, thus rendering said state done, and a new state of not never having seen it invoked.

Further, as it may clearly be unclear, I propose that un- be the prefix used for negation, as explicated in 1984. Hence, something that is “shorter” is better expressed as un-alrear.
Nov 9, 2024 at 5:51am
Nov 9, 2024 at 4:04pm
It is sad how often snake-oil purveyors sold hard drugs to people as ‘spoonful a day’ to keep you calm and happy.

You may not be able to buy heroin in a syrup these days (not legally, at least), but most consumers would be surprised how much stuff is on the shelves of our pharmacy and supermarket shelves that is not only useless, but is actually bad for you.

I actually have a problem with simpler things too, like the current trend to need something to help you (or your kids!) fall asleep at night. Forget learning how to lay down and go to sleep, just a spoonful and you and your kids will be calm and happy!

But hey, it makes someone lots and lots of money for so many poor saps to have their problems fixed for them!

Filthy scum.
Last edited on Nov 9, 2024 at 4:05pm
Nov 9, 2024 at 6:50pm
ah man don't get me started on driving.
- people that turn early, which is about 97.5% of them, into the oncoming turn lanes or other dangerous lane violations because they don't understand when to start turning to stay in their lanes

- people that brake before moving into a generous turn lane. I get it if its crowded, but when its a persistent lane that runs for miles, get over, then slow down, doubly so if someone was behind you.

- people that come to a complete stop to turn when there is no reason to do so

- people that combine all of it so they slow down to a near complete stop in front of you, then get in the turn lane, then signal...

- people that sit there on their big brother device for an eternity after the light changes.

- people that go through the lights on red (usually, when turning), because in their entitled world they had waited one cycle and that was enough time in their busy day.

the pedestrian bridge thing... is going to depend on where you are. Where I live, there are a lot of roads you simply should NOT be walking or biking on... there isn't a lane for it, its not safe, and adding to a bridge would only give a suicide jumper a place to stand, no one would ever USE that for anything else.

most language things don't bother me. A few do:
suspicious misuse. That guy looks suspicious? Of what? Is he a LEO or security? The word is suspect.

correct but horrible, the misuse of 'and'. And should be somewhat like an ==. Dick and Jane, peanut butter and jelly, etc. Try and hang yourself ... is just wrong. It should be try to. To me it sounds like redneck (which I am fluent in) where you use extra words in hideous ways ... im a gonna go and get some beer .. yee-haw. Right up there with not-neither.

Nov 9, 2024 at 8:11pm
I live on a very busy 2 lane (plus dedicated turn lane) through arterial street, across from the entrance/exit for a primary school so parents can drop off and pick up their kids. Invariably there are more than a few parents who insist on turning left across one lane of track and the turn lane. So they block other parents who want to turn right.

Similar idiocy of leaving the local large package store (Walmart) on a busy 4 lane road that has two traffic lights at either end of the parking lot and choose to turn left at the middle entrance/exit.
Nov 10, 2024 at 9:40pm
I actually have a problem with simpler things too, like the current trend to need something to help you (or your kids!) fall asleep at night. Forget learning how to lay down and go to sleep, just a spoonful and you and your kids will be calm and happy!
That's so weird. I'd say I have pretty unhealthy sleeping habits, but I have just two modes: I either fall asleep in five minutes, or once or twice a year I can only fall asleep after lying in bed for four hours. What are all these people who need constant medication to fall asleep doing? Snorting coke at 11 PM?

Try and hang yourself ... is just wrong.
Try to hang yourself, and then succeed. Sounds perfectly logical to me. :)
There's no verbal tic more annoying than "like" as a thought buffering indicator. There's a video of a girl trying to describe what she finds most annoying about dating, and around half the words she uses is "like".
Pages: 12