Battle Stations!

Pages: 12
GNU Make
GDB, valgrind
Number of monitors: 1
number of virtual desktops in use: 1-4
windows open on desktops:4-8
OS and DE: Gentoo Linux running e16 (or e DR17 on my laptop)

What do you mean by Documenting or version standardizing software? Doxygen, or something more like LaTeX or Texinfo?
What do you mean by Documenting
Yes, Doxygen is an example.

or version standardizing software?
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or version standardizing software?

Ahh, I instead thought of something that checked code for standards compliance. Thanks.
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* Visual Studio 2008 (Core IDE at office)
* CodeLite for small test applications

* 2 monitors, 24" for Code/GUI design and 18" for debug info (watches, locals, auto's, stack...)

* Code::Blocks 10.05
* CodeLite

I tried Vim, gdb and Makefile, but it's sooo cumbersome, I just couldn't get used to it. Working with only cmdline for big projects and debugging is really a suffer.

If you want to code C++, than I want to focus on coding and debugging. With Vim, ctags, gdb and other cmdline stuff, you'll spend more on figuring out how to get things working properly, writing scripts to automate etc...

No, just give me a mature IDE like Code::Blocks and CodeLite. When debugging I can see the results right away, not like gdb: p varx, without seeing where you are in the code. When adding a file, edit the Makefile....pfff. Than we have Vim, which is the best editor, but to get it a bit IDE alike features like code completion, than you need to download plugins, find out how to install, it needs ctags to know where the declaration and definition of variables and functions are... As a father of 3 kids and husband of an attention demanding wife, I don't have all the time for that. For what? Just to be more efficient and faster in coding? Well, you can be a day faster with coding, but I have less stress and spend my time with other important things in life.

I only am not sure which one to choose, Code::Blocks or CodeLite?
closed account (1yR4jE8b)
Two 23" LG W2353V monitors for uber screen real estate, Core i3 Processor and 6gB of ram
Microsoft Windows with Ubuntu 10.04 and Mac OS X Virtual Machines for cross platform devellopment.
Cygwin, current TDM-MinGW on windows and whichever versions of GCC that Ubuntu and OS X provide.
Netbeans 6.9.1 IDE for Java, PHP, C/C++, Ruby and Python Devellopment for all 3 OSes
Visual Studio 2010 Pro for the .Net stuff I need to do for work (ugh)
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I don't really like using Windows to code, specifically because XP isn't set up to use OpenGL. So if I want to develop graphics in OpenGL I would have to sit here and figure out which files go where. Granted it's possible (I did it with my other computer), but it's an annoying task.
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Pages: 12