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is democracy feasible(this is the only site free from trollers)

Dec 24, 2017 at 2:24am
closed account (1vf9z8AR)
Just like black people got their rights, lower castes and women got their rights do you think that the innocent men being harassed by all these "oppressed" groups will get their rights?(like removal of alimony law and reservation laws,etc)
Dec 24, 2017 at 5:10am
It's two different questions you ask, and both are really broad.

Democracy has been mostly feasible. I think it's overall a positive thing. It definitely has its problems, but it has been pretty stable, for instance with regard to succession of power -- if you don't like the current person in power, you can elect them away in 4 or 5 years. Not wait for the king to die, or be silenced by a dictator for expressing opposition. But it also comes with its own problems. There certainly have still been civil wars that have brewed up under a democracy, or separatist movements from people that feel the majority democracy has failed their group.

One particular problem of democracy is that it encourages short-term rewards instead of long-term plans. A representative seeks to be re-elected, and the general populations needs to see the results of that representative's actions within 2 years. And even if they have a longer term, they just have that amount of time before the next guy can just overturn what they do, or the foundations of their plan crumble. We push a problem, like a deficit, off for the next generation to deal with. Democracy gets bogged down with red tape, lobbying, and gives the most power to the media to influence the general public. The average person has no idea what the best tax plan is, or exactly which way a city or public resource should be planned, or the best way to deal with any complicated, multi-faceted problem. Laws are complicated. Elections are decided by a few, often superficial, topics, or by the demeanor of the person representing the idea.


Will a democracy eventually fall apart, or lead to mob rule, or be overtaken? Perhaps. All it could take is two factions that don't want to compromise to grow further and further apart, but there's also plenty of counter-measures to alleviate the pressure and let people vent.

"will the innocent men being harrassed get their rights?"
What rights do you speak of? I'm not sure I understand the premise of the question. What is the right to not be "harassed"? Any time that a once-majority became a minority, or has felt threatened by another group, it usually has lead to strife, alienation, and conflict.
Reservation laws? Not exactly sure what you mean, but I think you'd have a major conflict brewing, and societal cohesion falling apart, once people start talking about putting other people on reservations.

But to respond to your specific point of alimony: Alimony laws strongly tend to give the wife/mother of the marriage the better deal, true. I don't really see this going away. I think it's human nature from a judgemental point of view to give the mother the easier time. It'd be nice if divorce rates in general could go down instead, along with single mother rates, in a society that encouraged family stability...
Dec 24, 2017 at 1:22pm
closed account (1vf9z8AR)
Stupid democracy and its stupid laws. I am gonna go to some communist country or dictator ship when i get the chance.
I don't really see the point of raising incompetents by bringing down the competent ones.
Dec 24, 2017 at 5:30pm
Someone has been reading Atlas Shrugged.

It'd be nice if divorce rates in general could go down instead, along with single mother rates, in a society that encouraged family stability.
I think it's more likely that people will marry less. For the man divorce is usually a losing proposition. I really don't understand those people that remarry after divorcing.
Dec 25, 2017 at 4:28am
closed account (1vf9z8AR)
yes stop forming relations with incompetent people and one shall be happy.Or better go to some other form of government
Last edited on Dec 25, 2017 at 4:29am
Dec 25, 2017 at 5:45am
It's not clear to me that people get to choose who they fall in love with.
Dec 25, 2017 at 6:55am
closed account (1vf9z8AR)
love is stupid.<bad words here> love.There's no love in real life only in movies.Even parental love is just because of what society has put into our brains about having a family and living happily ever after.
I think the ancient India gurukul system was best where children dont live with their parents.
And marriage is stupid because there are gold diggers everywhere.If a rich girl falls in love with me i am gonna steal all her money legally even though the laws are biased towards females but i know exactly what to do to get everything.If the incompetents support democracy then i will ruin them with democracy.

Dec 25, 2017 at 8:15am
love is stupid. [...] There's no love in real life only in movies.
Well, which is it? Is it stupid or does it not exist?
And yes, love is stupid. It's an emotion. There's no such thing as a rational emotion, nor a completely rational person.

Even parental love is just because of what society has put into our brains
Erm. No. Actually there's very solid evidence pointing to an evolutionary origin of paternal instincts. These instincts are so strong that even non-human animals such as cats and dogs can trigger them in people. Every time you've looked at a picture of a kitten and gone "aww!", that's evolution telling you to protect babies.

If a rich girl falls in love with me i am gonna steal all her money legally even though the laws are biased towards females but i know exactly what to do to get everything.
I'm sure with your personality you'll be able to attract one in no time.
Last edited on Dec 25, 2017 at 8:20am
Dec 26, 2017 at 7:37pm
Let's just start with that fact that removing alimony law or reservation laws doesn't "restore" rights. You're making a false equivalency in your argument. If a man does NOT want to pay alimony or any other consequences that the man does not want, then the couple signs a prenuptial agreement. If the significant other refuses to sign one, and you marry them anyway its on YOU. Stop feeling bad about other men when it comes to a woman taking advantage of them when it was in their full power to have control over their assets before marriage. It's also clear you don't have an idea of what democracy implies or what communism implies.
Dec 27, 2017 at 1:53pm
closed account (1vf9z8AR)
Hey man there are no prenuptial agreements in India.I know US is an extremely cool country in terms of marriage laws.I already knew about prenuptial agreements in US but they are not there in India.Also read about the false dowry cases lodged in India and the false rape cases lodged in America.
And you didnt explain why my reservation logic is wrong.
Here i am talking about the real democracy and communism and dictatorship not the ideal ones.
I totally agree that the men who do not protect their wealth and property should not blame the law for being unfair.

PS- this is too long message and i sound rude in long message but i am not.
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017 at 1:54pm
Dec 27, 2017 at 10:27pm
And you didnt explain why my reservation logic is wrong.

I've yet to see anything from you resembling logic. Small wonder you attract trolls on other sites.
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