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USA Election

Nov 9, 2016 at 10:25am
Donald Trump's won the election. What do you think?

Edit : I voted for Donald Trump of course.
Last edited on Nov 9, 2016 at 10:26am
Nov 9, 2016 at 12:09pm
closed account (1vRz3TCk)
Any respect I had for the US just took a nose dive...have fun.
Nov 9, 2016 at 10:45pm
The problem is not that Trump got elected. The problem is that the two major parties put forward the two most disliked candidates is recent times, possibly ever. If that's not evidence of flaws in an electoral system, I don't know what is.
Nov 10, 2016 at 12:15am
It's certainly signs of corruption at least, where they move against the people. WikiLeaks has something on how the DNC worked with Hillary Clinton to throw Bernie Sanders under the bus. He certainly would have gotten my vote as a wholesome character who acts like a leader we can trust. Hillary not only doesn't seem like that, she seems like she should be in jail. I know various people who are in jail for less than what she's done.

Donald Trump isn't as big of a criminal (though he did setup a false college and scammed people out of their money but whatever). He's really just a rich guy with knowledge on economics and no political background. I almost feel he's a safer candidate than Hillary was and I say that as someone who tends to lean towards socialism and things like universal income. She was not the way.

As for third party candidates, Gary Johnson wasn't that bad of a bet. I'm surprised he didn't get 5% (he still got over 4 million votes) which means he probably won't run next time. Jill Stein is a crazy person who more than likely wears a tin foil hat in her spare time which already shuts her out of my head.

The scary part is Trump's policies and actions.

He claims to want to build a steel wall around the south of our border. The cost of this would would hurt us to the point of potential tax increases (again), would have high maintenance cost past the initial cost, and experts say it won't even be effective (duh).

He has a policy against abortion (although with exception of life of the mother, rape, and incest). This wouldn't be that big of a problem but he seems to focus on Planned Parenthood and many are afraid that he would move to remove any and all of their funding when they don't provide only abortions (and many women would attest to their amazing work and care).

Many are afraid of his stance on marijuana. That said, his stance on this has flip flopped a couple times from what I've seen. His latest wording seems to be that it should be left up to the state, which is sane, and he things medical marijuana is alright.

His stance on Muslims are believed to be dangerous to most where he has talked of a complete ban on Muslims in the country and suggested something similar to internment camps for Muslims. The problem is Muslims are simply people who believe in a religion and you can't really determine what they believe on the outside. It would really be an re-enactment of the Red Scare rather than WW2 Japanese internment camps. Either way, it's not looking good if he plans to go through with this and will be yet another dark time for our country that we will be ashamed of later down the road.

His stance on immigration can also be looked at as grim since he plans to put large budget into removing immigrants and will try to revamp workplaces that allow illegal immigrants. I'm not necessarily against this myself but it can turn dark pretty quick when people start to become racist and we can end up like this asshole: https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2015/sep/08/journalist-appears-to-kick-and-trip-fleeing-refugees-video

Trump's stance on foreign aid is similar to Ron Paul's from 2012 but not quite as extreme. He wants to remove a lot of foreign and humanitarian aid. This is a mixed bag since we put large amounts of budget into foreign aid. Cutting back would mean easier budget in our country but countries that rely on us like parts of Africa would potentially perish. I personally think that even though the amount of budget provided is large, it's probably not large enough to warrant the immediate crisis of another country and there are definitely other areas where we can watch spending... like not building a fucking 30ft steel wall that will cost more than a reasonable amount and not work.

Nov 10, 2016 at 1:36am
The wall is almost certainly not going to happen. The most likely scenario, I think, is that once they sit down with the engineers to figure out how much it'll cost to actually build the thing, it'll get silently dropped. At best they'll reinforce a few of the existing fences here and there. Making grandiose promises to an audience of rednecks is free. Steel and labor aren't.
Last edited on Nov 10, 2016 at 1:37am
Nov 10, 2016 at 8:37am
closed account (1vRz3TCk)
helios wrote:
Making grandiose promises to an audience of rednecks is free. Steel and labor aren't.
Yes but didn't you hear? The Mexicans will pay for it. That will be nice of them.

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Nov 10, 2016 at 1:21pm
When I think of Donald Trump...

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