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report reasons

Sep 6, 2016 at 10:58pm
good morning, just for curiosity, would like to see what reasons do you think are valid to report a post.
if a reason has already been posted, you may repeat it if you please.

- spam unrelated ads.
Last edited on Sep 6, 2016 at 10:59pm
Sep 6, 2016 at 11:35pm
- trolling
- abuse
- pointless posts (does that help?)
- trashed threads (where the OP deletes his side)
Last edited on Sep 6, 2016 at 11:37pm
Sep 7, 2016 at 2:25am
* Spam. I classify multiple-posting as spam, if the extra posts don't contain any additional information. I also classify it as spam when people use the forum as if it was pastebin.
* Gratuitous abuse (insults, threats, etc.). E.g. I would consider it OK if a post contains an insult as part of a larger reply to a discussion. If a considerable portion of a post is abusive, or if it's unwarranted, I would report it.

Beyond these two, I don't think I would report anything else. Trolling is in itself just fun and games. Flamewars are part of Internet culture. Although I don't like it when an OP blanks their post, I probably wouldn't report it.
Sep 7, 2016 at 9:51pm
These are all valid reasons to report, but in the grand scheme of things only spam, trolls and abuse are important. Pointless posts, while annoying, isn't hurting anyone and trashed threads, again while annoying aren't really hurting anyone. Which is probably why 100% of pointless posts that have been reported have gone without any action from admin. Trashed threads, while confusing, still has valuable information from the users that replied to the OP post that was deleted and can still offer some insight into future users questions if they stumble upon those threads.
Sep 7, 2016 at 10:02pm
- Spam
- Abusive Comments
- Users I believe are a disruption to the site (Though I will only report once to get the admins attention, no need for multiple reports)

Also while kind of off topic, am curious why all the "SUN IT LABS" postings in the jobs section have been allowed to stay there? Do others not consider these posts as spam? Personally while they are advertising training (Which is iffy for the jobs section but not something I would report alone) they do it in such a way that it blankets all other posts.

Edit: Never mind after looking at further pages in the jobs forum noticed that most have been reported (Though not removed even with the poster not having a lot post count for some reason, seems any post count above 1 can't be deleted instantly) so can disregard the above.
Last edited on Sep 7, 2016 at 11:40pm
Sep 8, 2016 at 10:17am
I report for pretty much any behaviour that I believe is detrimental to these forums, and that I want to bring to admin's attention, and that I have reason to believe can't be addressed simply by a civil discussion with the perpetrator.

I believe in being proactive within a community, to keep that community as good as possible. At the end of the day, if admin doesn't agree with a report I make, then they're free to ignore it, but my responsibility is at least to bring things to their attention.
Sep 8, 2016 at 11:24pm
- Spam
- Intentional Insults
- Intentional Misinformation
Sep 10, 2016 at 3:13am
People got really angry at me for my 'too large' definition of spam, so now I only report bot advertisements and leave the rest to others to decide.
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