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Picking a web framework - NodeJS vs Django vs Rails

Hi guys,

Was wanting to start learning a web framework while I'm in school, and I'm trying to figure out a good one to start with. So far, the ones I'm interested in are Node, Django and Rails. While I am a little better with Python than I am with Ruby or Javascript, I'm still not sure which to choose. Some people say to try and see which one is the hottest/most marketable in the industry, and then learn that one. I'm not sure if that is or isn't a good strategy. Wondering what you guys think.
It's really up to you, on my part, as I'm in school too, as a 12 year old, I have done web dev, using mostly node.js and Ruby on Rails. From my Vantage Point, I suggest node.js for its simplicity, and Django as well, since it uses Python. Ruby on Rails is a strong framework, but it is slightly more advanced than the other two.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Maybe worth a few minutes of your time...
Very helpful, thanks guys. I think I'm going to learn Django - Besides C, C++, C# and Java, I kind of enjoy Python. I will also try to dabble in Node from time to time. Hopefully, there isn't a huge issue in learning multiple frameworks at the same time, but I'll probably focus more on Django anyway.

Damn, that was a great video. Thanks for the link!
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closed account (18hRX9L8)
leo255 wrote:
Picking a web framework - NodeJS

Node.js is not a web framework. It is a Javascript runtime. https://nodejs.org/.
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Thanks for posting that youtube video, was so helpful :D
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