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don't know what to do with proggramming

Pages: 12
Apr 21, 2015 at 3:12pm
The core principle of functions is code re-use as well. Does that make inheritance any better the using a function?
Apr 21, 2015 at 3:59pm
IWishIKnew wrote:
The core principle of functions is code re-use as well. Does that make inheritance any better the using a function?

Because we can't have both. That would be outrageous.
Apr 21, 2015 at 4:59pm
Except that one encourages a lot more reuse of a lot more variables and functions than the other.

Apr 22, 2015 at 8:59pm
Ultifinitus :
Hi ! Thanks a lot for your answer.
I've thought about deleting all my games of my computer but I couldn't. Instead I do an hour of c++ and 20 min of Video Games. It might not be as effective than your technique but it allows me to let my stress out (that I build up proggramming). It might seem weird but when I proggramme, after a moment, I get less effective because I build up a kind of stress.
Currently, I kinda dropped Qt for a little moment (don't worry I will get arround making that proggram I was talking about) and I started to learn SDL in order to code a platformer.
I took SDL thinking there was a physics engine integrated but there isn't which leads me to my other post.
If you could check out that post, it would be very helpfull.
Apr 22, 2015 at 9:20pm
Sorry but I can't be bothered to read all the other comments (pulls an awesome troll face).
Anyway, I find setting my self a goal helps, getting it into a habit and maybe you could reward yourself?
Also, I find playing video games makes me think what I'd like to code!
Well, good luck I could use some advice on this too, to be honest lol.
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Pages: 12