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game jam tips

Mar 12, 2015 at 6:00pm
Hi, so basically my tutor in college has asked people in my software development class if there are any volunteers to go to a game jam, ofcourse i said yes straight away with a few other people.

Well im quite nervous because its my first one, and i have hardly any expereicne or knowledge in games programming specifically, i've been learning c# and we are onto forms etc. Im just a bit worried that i will be completely out of my element. I mean my tutor must of known considering he knows our skill level and stuff why would he ask for volunteers?

anyone have any tips , advice?
Mar 12, 2015 at 6:17pm
Make pong. If you even have time left over, polish it.

Not trying to be harsh, but if you have no experience then you should start simple. A humble success is better than an overzealous failure (for your own sake). The point is, you will probably feel a lot of pressure, and I know how that feels.

You can fail all you want when not under pressure ;p
Last edited on Mar 12, 2015 at 6:20pm
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