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looking for 1 or 2 people to make simple games

Jan 28, 2015 at 12:18am
looking for 1 or 2 people to try do causal small games. 1 to learn better C++ programming and 2 its fun with some people. I usually have a few hours a day and for next little bit will be after like 6pm pacific time for the next few weeks. It would be like to maybe talk about a small concept then each design one and then compare and go from there. I am still learning my self so don't expect someone who knows it all. I just want to practice and get some knowledge. I have made a simple text based game before, was single player, but there was monsters that would move around and attack u, they would drop loot, u could pick it up change weapons armor etc(but text based) I am tying to see if still have a copy of it. was all 1 .cpp file but now im trying to move into multiple files so if your around that point and just want to spend some time as a group please msg me and I can msg back with a Skype or u can leae me with a way to contact. thanks and hope to hear from u. speaking English should be first although I know a good bit of Spanish too.
Last edited on Jan 28, 2015 at 12:20am
Jan 28, 2015 at 10:58am
Hi @morngrym.

i actually am working on game development for some time. I would love to try it out.

Which library are you planning to use. SFML, SDL etc. And do you expect to work at the same time, together while chatting? Or just working on it while messaging is enough?

I don't think i can work on it everyday, but i will spare some time to it. A general explanation would be good.

Thanks in advance
Jan 29, 2015 at 4:53am
Hi ceset. Just wondering if u got my msg

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