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Contribute to stacksofcode.com

Nov 25, 2014 at 2:03am
A friend of mine and I, are making a website called stacksofcode.com. On it we are making small games, and just small fun coding projects. A feature of our site is that we want a community of contributes who have a passion for coding. We figured that this would be a nice way to gain content and thus gain traffic. Our site has not launched yet, but we are getting close with a few things up and running, and many projects in the works. There is no money involved with this, all contributing will do is give you a place to post some fun, opensource projects or games that you have made, and be recognized. While our traffic is limited right now, we hope as we post more projects, and contributes post more projects the traffic could increase and more people can enjoy the things you just made for fun. If you are interested in contributing a project to this website email me at stacksofcode@gmail.com. I'm sorry if this seems a bit like shameless advertising (i don't know, should this go in the jobs section or is the lounge ok?), but I know a lot of people on this site just like to code for fun, and if you want a place to show off you mad programming skills, this might be for you.

As of the night I am posting this (11-24-14) we are upgrading our server to Apache for better performance. We should be up and running by tomorrow, if you want to check out the site, but at this moment our server is down.
Nov 25, 2014 at 2:10am
One suggestion, you could automate the uploading of games. Of course, you would have to check the security of the code, but you could automate that to.
Nov 25, 2014 at 2:31am
Yeah, I was thinking of doing that. Right now, because we are so small, I don't mind checking and uploading the code manually, but sometime soon, I think I might implement an account system, where the website provides a way for the user to upload his/her project under their decided category, of course, as you mentioned, things like security, and just making sure it isn't really glitchy would be problems, but I think at some point I think it will need to be automated.
Nov 26, 2014 at 7:41am
Well I can see that theirs a fair amount of work to be done on the site but sounds like a decent idea... Basically a version of source forge but for fun rather than putting a serious program out
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