Tell a story in only six words...

Pages: 123... 5
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Dad left; a flag came back.
My Job does not pay enough.
For sale: Baby shoes, never worn.

(Usually attributed to Hemingway but Wikipedia claims the link is unsubstantiated.)
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Farwell doctor, thank you for trying.
You were supposed to raise me.

That brown dog is not real.
Ragtag adventurers, fight evil, save world.
Meet girl; lose girl; get girl.

(traditional storyline of most modern movies)
If only humans were like centipedes...
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Futuristic, logical space man dies. Khaaaaan!!!

EDIT: This is fun. I feel like the guy that has to summarize shows and stuff for the in-menu guide on satellite/cable TV.

Kid travels to 50s. Reunites parents.

Childhood friends grow up, kill clown.

Rat teaches turtles to fight ninjas.

Hockey player plays golf for grandmother.

Boy bitten by spider fights villains.

EDIT 2: Also, can anyone guess what these are? I'm curious as to how well I'm describing them.

Cowboy collects supernatural orbs, hunts killer. (Bonus points if anyone can guess this one)

Gun hater invents with household items.

Alien travels space, time. Saves humanity.
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One man enters, two men leave.
I'm so meta, even this acronym.

EDIT @Disch:

EDIT2: Star Trek 2
Back to the Future
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Dragonball Evolution (:D)
Doctor Who

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@Rabbitologist: You missed the first one -- but that one is hopefully pretty obvious so it's all good ;P.

You're right on all of them except for Dragonball Evolution. Goku is not a cowboy -- but otherwise that is a great guess!

That one is really obscure. I doubt anyone will get it.
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lather, rinse, repeat, lather, rinse, repeat...

tasukete. itai. yamete. kimochi. motto. iku

.ua .iicai .a'onai .uucu'i .a'i .o'a
As for the two of Disch's that TheRabbitologist didn't get, I'm thinking "It" and "Happy Gilmore" for the first two... No idea about the last.

ne555 wrote:
tasukete. itai. yamete. kimochi. motto. iku

Sounds, um...nevermind.
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all i got is help,ouch,stop, more, to go

lol now i know what kimochi means
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learnt haskelll. cant type proper'ly anymoore
> Cowboy collects supernatural orbs, hunts killer.
After some searching found this
The Adventures of Brisco County Jr.
Harvard Law Graduate Brisco County, Jr. searches for the members of the infamous John Bly gang, the same men who killed his father,(...) Along the way, he encounters mysterious golden orbs with strange abilities and colorful characters who help or hinder his mission (...)
Cody0023 wrote:
to go

"Iku" has multiple meanings. Funnily enough, if you take the literal meaning of the word (as you took it) and invert it, it happens to be an English word whose own slang meaning is equivalent...
I can tell you a story in only 6 letters.

a story.
Pages: 123... 5