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Ever play with some hobby Operating systems?

Jul 12, 2014 at 2:52am
I've played with TempleOS1, PonyOS2, and a couple BeOS clones.

You guys have any favorites, also, ever dabbled in Kernel development your self?

1http://www.templeos.org/ 2http://www.ponyos.org/
Jul 12, 2014 at 2:56am
What are people saying about PonyOS?
you have gone too far this time you fucking pony fags....
-Anon, from /prog/

I just can't not believe these guys are sick fucks. Either way, getting to run vim in your shitty furry pedo OS is an accomplishment I must recognize. Fuck this shit.
-Another Anon, from /prog/

-Mourcore, from reddit's r/technology

This is gonna buck up my computer so bad.
-mybronyalter-ego, from reddit's r/mylittlepony

Thanks, but no thanks.
-Nessphoro, from osdev.org

Oh… Oh god… Make it stop


Happy April Fools Day

I haven't tried any of these OSes before but they look pretty interesting.
Last edited on Jul 12, 2014 at 2:57am
Jul 12, 2014 at 2:58am
It started as an april fools joke and actually became a thing.
Jul 12, 2014 at 2:59am
I'm curious but does that mean the annual new release is on 4/1?
Jul 12, 2014 at 3:00am
Ya know what? I dunno! I'm goinnng to look at their bug reports for something I can easily contribute to for shits and giggles :P
Last edited on Jul 12, 2014 at 3:01am
Jul 12, 2014 at 4:24am
If you want a very large list of hobby OSs to try go here: http://wiki.osdev.org/Projects

From what I have seen, most of them are legitimate and are being worked on.
Jul 12, 2014 at 1:13pm
I wanted a heavily customized operating system so I could feel like some kind of hacker badass but hte reality there is problies zero advantage to own operating system that I can think of, other than other people getting confused using my computer.

Otherwise might install amiga workbench :D
Jul 12, 2014 at 3:39pm
Otherwise might install amiga workbench

My dad has an old amiga in his garage that he modded and hacked the crap out of back in the day. One of the ones with "Rock Lobster" soldered into the bored.

Modded it so he could hook up an IBM monitor to it when they told him that was impossible. My mom used to have nightmares that she'd wake up to find out he had found a way to hook her up to it.
Jul 14, 2014 at 1:08pm
My own. It's pretty poorly written though, because I don't put much thought into design and I jump from feature to feature without finishing whatever I was working on before. It's like someone with ADHD building a house. So I have like 50% of the features a basic kernel needs, but each one is only ~50% implemented. For example, the keyboard driver can echo characters to the screen but control keys don't work properly. The mouse driver just straight-up doesn't work and Idk why. The console driver only handles output. The scheduler doesn't schedule. There's a timed event queue which crashes the kernel whenever it tries to raise an event, and I figured out that it's because a spiteful wizard is turning the callback to the event handler into a null pointer (unfortunately I don't have a princess to kiss the pointer and turn it back). When I enable paging, it also crashes the kernel, although I realised that was because I had stopped writing the module halfway through so it was basically telling the CPU "there's all this memory, AAAAAAAAND IT'S GONE". The memory manager is the hardest thing I've tried to do so far, which sucks because you can't write any of the fun things that need to allocate memory on the heap when you don't have a heap. You can cheat and just use placement allocation but that doesn't let you free memory, so you run out and crash after a few minutes (probably explains Windows 2000).

I hate OS development.
Jul 14, 2014 at 11:55pm
I got a good couple chuckles out of that, chrisname. Thank you.
Jul 22, 2014 at 6:51pm
i once made a bootloader that printed "welcome_to_my_message..._enjoy"
took me forever
assembly is the most frustrating thing you can ever use!
no idea how you would make a entire os in asm
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