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Adoption by Homosexual Couples

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Mar 23, 2014 at 10:35pm
closed account (iAk3T05o)
The emphasis was to show man is different from woman and that God didn't make man for man but women for men.
Last edited on Mar 23, 2014 at 10:43pm
Mar 23, 2014 at 10:36pm
Fair enough. I don't think anyone here was claiming men were the same as women.
Last edited on Mar 23, 2014 at 10:36pm
Mar 24, 2014 at 4:40am
I'm appalled that there is even a conversation about something like this.


Do you realize that there shouldn't even be a conversation like this?
Gay people exist and it is nobody's place to decide whether it is good or bad,
whether it is right or wrong.

Anyone who is trying to tell other people what to do with their lives is wrong.
Mind your own business. It's that simple.
And whoever finds himself being concerned with other people's sex life, is either not getting any or sick in the head and should go see a psychiatrist.
As for gay haters, I have a theory that those people who say that gay marriage is unnatural, simply envy
their love. I can only feel sorry for gay haters, because they have nobody to love them and
nobody to love. This, I think is the only reason for their hostility. Because if the haters had
love in their hearts, it would be impossible for them to hate people (gay or straight) who are in love and want to be with each other.
Mar 24, 2014 at 4:51am
Oh yeah. I totally forgot. The talk is about adoptions by same sex couples.

I have a question then, for those who opposed.
Who is going to adopt those kids than? YOU?

I don't see any of you self righteous, bible loving bastards adopting anyone.

If you care so much about the welfare of those kids, don't you think it would be
better for them to have a family than to live in foster house?
Mar 24, 2014 at 4:56am
Arguing something is unnatural and citing that as a reason for it being wrong, from your home, on a computer, on the internet. I've always found that highly dubious and hypocritical.
Mar 24, 2014 at 5:59am
i lyke cake
Mar 24, 2014 at 7:06pm
@stormboy - if you don't see anything wrong in anyone thinking communism is good, then you just don't know what communism is, or you're just an ignorant.

@Nathan2222 - Sorry to tell you, women weren't made for men. There's a thing called "evolution", and without either, none would exist. With the same process that makes pesticides not work on bugs, humans evolved to what we are now. I'm not saying men are the same as woman. They're just different. Also, I find believing in god kind of pointless and unfounded. There aren't any proofs that god does exist. Many ideas about god, his power etc. are based on wrong assumptions. At least that's my opinion.
Mar 24, 2014 at 7:21pm
@ MatthewRock: It was just an example...I meant why bother? People thinking that communism is good have their own reasons for thinking so. Now we don't want to start a debate on communism and capitalism do we? Idc about governments and political systems; none are good/perfect.
Last edited on Mar 24, 2014 at 7:22pm
Mar 24, 2014 at 7:30pm
@Stormboy - I come from country which had communism for nearly 50 years. There is no such system in the world, that is so devastating for both country infrastructure, and people living in it. There are things that are making life bad in every aspect. The only people that say communism is good, are either people that never experienced communism, or that were leading such country.
Please, read a bit about communism and history of countries which had communism, and stop talking nonsense. Being not perfect is one thing. Being terrible is other.
And if it was "just an example" from you - it was really bad and inadequate example.
Mar 24, 2014 at 7:36pm
Lived in a country with communism for nearly 50 years? How was it living in a place that doesn't exist? Cause there hasn't been a true communist society. Ever.
Mar 24, 2014 at 7:41pm
Sure, because "true communism" is utopia. But countries that belonged to USRR had communism government and they basically implemented communism. I wouldn't go into pointless discussions on percentage of communism in these countries.
Mar 24, 2014 at 7:44pm
Fair enough, I wont debate it. Not on topic anyways.
Mar 24, 2014 at 7:53pm
@ MathhewRock: First of all, you must understand that just because I gave an example of it does in no way mean that I support it. All my point was that what's wrong in intelligent people thinking that communism is good since its their choice and they feel its good. I don't remember bringing in any point that's even related to a characteristic of Communist governments. So how can you say that I'm speaking nonsense when I've just given an example of liking a political system in regard of people's freedom of thought?
Last edited on Mar 24, 2014 at 7:55pm
Mar 24, 2014 at 8:04pm
closed account (iAk3T05o)
@matthewrock: you actually believe you evolved. Evolution has nothing to do with men and women. As for me, no evolution took place with humans because we were made by God. And women were made by God, from men, for men.
Not everyone believes in what they can't see so science needed to exist to provide an arguement for non believers against believers.

And that is the problem, you don't believe in God nor the bible, and you believe man evolved. I can't possibly have any conversation with that.
@stremik: i don't whether it's drugs or something similar that makes you use foster home, bastard and adoption together.

What is your definition of family? It varies from mine.

@mats: you call me a hypocrit for using my computer yet you replied with yours and i don't see you on the tv declaring everyone that shares my views a hypocrit. Isn't that silly? You think i'm an extremist, try that and let's see the effects.

I can't have a conversation with you guys. Disch and I came to a close (depending). You neither believe in God nor the bible and believe in evolution. You won't find my views ok because we have nothing in common and some of you prefer to use insults when arguing instead of being civilised.
It's like a college physics professor trying to teach Albert Einstein about the laws of physics. That conversation will lead no where because Einstein is basically a physics god. Did you think of this before replying?
Last edited on Mar 24, 2014 at 8:20pm
Mar 24, 2014 at 8:24pm
Something interesting: You say there is no proof that God exists. Do you have proof of all the things in science? Do you have real proof that we indeed evolved from apes? Even if the DNA is similar, don't forget that rats too have some similarly in the DNA. How can you believe that the universe was created by mere chance by Big Bang? How can that event occur without someone to trigger the event? How can you believe that matter was created merely by chance without someone creating it? Science says that energy can't be created neither can it be destroyed. So how did energy come into existance in the first place? Just simply by magic or mere chance? Science is nothing. Its just people's theories on how the universe works, that's all. Some theories are right and some are not. People can blindly follow science just because it seems right or it gives them comfort or an excuse for not knowing the unknown.
Last edited on Mar 24, 2014 at 8:34pm
Mar 24, 2014 at 8:33pm
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Stormboy, with an argument like that what or who made god?
Mar 24, 2014 at 8:33pm
closed account (iAk3T05o)
Exactly. They claim that God doesn't exist and feel proud to think that we evolved from apes. Are we an evolution from slugs because they share 70% of our DNA. If you look at it from another view, science has little to no fact. Energy magically came up, the bigbang's mom banged itself to form the bigbang which formed the universe so what formed the bigbang's mom? Where is the universe? You would rather believe in the sun or something else, don't you know something made the sun? What if someone came tomorrow with facts that the force of gravity on earth is 20m/s^2? The ground you are walking on, the things you dream about, everything was made by something.
Ok, no problem, how are you sure there is one universe? How are you sure our universe isn't in it's own universe orbit with other universes? Science is just there to make those that only believe in what they see fufilled.
Just like one blog link posted here, the guy asked God to strike him dead. What benefit will he gain? What is the essence? What is he trying to prove? He goes on about how he is a sun worshipper. What made that sun? And if you know that thing, what made that thing?
Last edited on Mar 24, 2014 at 8:44pm
Mar 24, 2014 at 8:37pm
Can you guys go somewhere else with this nonsense debate about beliefs I for one and getting really annoying with seeing these pop-up in my "my topics" considering it has nothing to do with adoption.
Mar 24, 2014 at 8:39pm
closed account (z05DSL3A)
feel proud to think that we evolved from apes.
not correct, apes and humans have a common ancestor. as for slugs they are on a different branch but if you go back far enough there is a common ancestor.
Mar 24, 2014 at 8:41pm
closed account (10X9216C)
If an event can't occur without someone to trigger that event, then if god created the universe who created god? Why is it you can only accept "magic" when it is god. Science is simply a best guess to what happened with what we currently know. If we learn something new then that hypothesis changes. It's called the "big bang" because we observed that the universe is expanding. No one knows what actually happened or caused it, yet. They don't blindly follow science, someone has to come up with a theory that mostly everyone can agree on. If that theory fits and explains what we observe then it is generally accepted and used for conducting experiments and such. If a contradiction is observed we come up with a new theory and so on.
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