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Adoption by Homosexual Couples

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Mar 30, 2014 at 1:44am
I pulled the 1/trillion number out of my ass. The rest of the numbers I pulled from actual sources sited. I think 1/trillion is a pretty safe guess.

And in fact... now that I actually look into this number... I was shooting even lower than I thought:


that article wrote:
based on Kepler space mission data, that there could be as many as 40 billion Earth-sized planets orbiting in the habitable zones of sun-like stars and red dwarf stars within the Milky Way Galaxy.

40 billion, similar sized planets, similar distance from a sun... in our galaxy (remember there are hundreds of millions of other galaxies besides just ours)

SuperDude wrote:
Disch, I am suprised you have not learned, that when talking with Christians, you can't make evolutionary based arguments

The only thing I mentioned even remotely similar to evolution is the mention of prehistoric time periods. Though if you want to deny that, that's fine... it was a tangent point. When I mentioned it I said I was ignoring it for purposes of this topic.

The fact of the matter is... there is almost a statistical certainty that life exists somewhere else in the universe. You seem to fail to grasp just how big the universe actually is.

EDIT: and again... none of this is theory*. The size of the universe as is know it is what has been observed. We know it's at least that big, possibly bigger. This is what we can see.

To deny this is to deny reality.

(* I mean the numbers regarding the size of the universe, not the existence of life somewhere out there. Obviously we haven't found that yet)
Last edited on Mar 30, 2014 at 1:53am
Mar 30, 2014 at 4:13am
What has intelligence got to do with life? Isn't a computer garbage in, garbage out? Even AI is garbage in, garbage out.
Human brains are also GIGO. What's your point?
Mar 30, 2014 at 6:31am
40 billion, similar sized planets, similar distance from a sun... in our galaxy (remember there are hundreds of millions of other galaxies besides just ours)

According to NASA and ESA, there are *at least* a hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.

Also, with the launch of JWST, we might be able to analyze the atmospheres of some of these nearby planets we have discovered and get a much better idea of if life is possible on them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ah6KrqABzmk

Anyway, I don't see the problem Christians should have with life being elsewhere. The bible does not mention life being made elsewhere, but nor does it mention many other things, such as deep sea vent life or DNA being the code life is written in, or there being other galaxies out there. It also does not explicitly forbid life elsewhere.
Mar 30, 2014 at 6:47am
closed account (9E360pDG)
How can you even say your brain is GIGO? How can you believe man evolved from chemicals? With all the can'ts in science, i thank God that we haven't killed ourselves.
Even with my inquisitive mind, i still found God true.
I am 100% certain that if science said that our limbs couldn't be cut off, you would believe far more than the laws of physics. What if they said we could disintegrate and reintegrate if we stood under the sun for 10 hours? That would be the only truth for you.
Can't you just try to break away from limits?
Mar 30, 2014 at 7:09am
That would be the only truth for you.

I've been seeing people present arguments like what you just did, except instead of science it was Christianity. And you reacted just the way you are telling us we would.

What you lack, Mr. Nathan, is the ability to at least attempt to understand things from other perspectives.

Shoot, and I was trying so hard not to get involved with this. :(
Last edited on Mar 30, 2014 at 7:10am
Mar 30, 2014 at 7:26am
closed account (9E360pDG)
I see it from the "can not" perspective of science. If you think i never asked who created God, you are supernaturally mistaken. OMG, I just found out Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, the Wright brothers had two brains. Wait, they didn't. They had one just like you. They defined the "can'ts" for you. I am not the kind of person that likes to be told I can't by a human being just like me. Believing in something that tells me what i can't do without any reason other than the logic made by another man vs believing in someone that tells me I can do anything if I just believe in Him? Yup, i choose the latter, less limits.
Mar 30, 2014 at 7:32am
I am not going to talk about religion versus science with you.

Instead, I am going to point out the irony that you ask of us to stop being ignorant when you are clearly incapable of doing so yourself.

By the way, I tried converting once. I failed. :(
Mar 30, 2014 at 7:40am
closed account (9E360pDG)
The ignorance you talk about is defined by the logic of aristotle, plato etc. The definition of failure is the inability to get back up and try again.
One question, was their brain any more powerful than yours.
Mar 30, 2014 at 7:47am
I read a bible, but I found I only agreed with parts of it, and there were only some sections I "liked". I cannot be a Christian if I only "like" parts of Christianity. The same goes for science. I only like parts of science and agree with just some parts.
What I like is that most in the scientific community don't mind if you question science, because, as someone said before, science is dynamic and changes with new information.

By the way, stop the hate, Nathan. :)

On a side note, can you enable private messaging? I actually have a question to ask you, but I don't want to derail this thread any further.
Last edited on Mar 30, 2014 at 7:50am
Mar 30, 2014 at 7:54am
closed account (9E360pDG)
Sorry it seems hateful.
Did you actually try to understand the motives behind the parts you didn't like.
BTW, PM's enabled.
Mar 30, 2014 at 8:07am
Nathan222 wrote:
I worship Christ because He is God.

Wow, so does God die too?
Mar 30, 2014 at 8:20am
closed account (9E360pDG)
I find it hard to believe you can't grasp the concept of all powerful.
Can a human being not die? Christ was human, God is not.
Mar 30, 2014 at 8:23am
But... Christ is God...
Brain implodes

Seriously though, I'm now convinced there's either a physical limitation for you to be unable to grasp what circular logic is or that you're caught in it or you're a troll.
Last edited on Mar 30, 2014 at 8:25am
Mar 30, 2014 at 8:29am
closed account (9E360pDG)
That logic you talk about, is it not a human that made it? Why can't i find noxzema's logic? Why can i only find noxzema being limited by a logic made by another man?
Mar 30, 2014 at 8:32am

-Logic cannot be applied
-Science is not a valid argument
-Circular arguments are fine
-Don't talk about fight club

Mar 30, 2014 at 8:38am
closed account (9E360pDG)
Logic is what a man believes to be true.
Science is God's gift to man and shouldn't be limited by logic.
Mar 30, 2014 at 9:14am
Nathan222, its surprising you change your statements again and again...

Nathan222 wrote:
I worship Christ because He is God.
Nathan222 wrote:
Christ was human, God is not.

Therefore, I bring back my original question, why do you worship Christ rather than worshiping God Himself?

Plus, if you say God can die, then he surely must have been born too or created by someone. Therefore, he is not God. There is someone more powerful than him. Think about your statements twice before you answer. I'm starting to really think that you are a troll now or you yourself don't know what you are talking about.
Last edited on Mar 30, 2014 at 9:17am
Mar 30, 2014 at 9:35am
Nathan222, you cannot come up with definitions to support your argument. Nobody should have to sit there and explain the basics of logical philosophy too you.

This isn't even an argument. Logic is your ability to make sense of things. Your religion requires you remove that ability. You are caught in circular reasoning that isn't capable of being correct, it's fallacious, meaning it is not correct. There is no argument until you realize that which requires a level of comprehension about that of a middle schooler.
Mar 30, 2014 at 11:26am
closed account (9E360pDG)
Stormboy please read. Christ was human before the resurrection. God cannot die.
God = God the father + God the Son + God the Holy Spirit.
The only logic i know is that i can do all things through Christ.
If you people claim to know philosophy, then i believe that it is the 'wrongest' thing i've ever heard of.
Mar 30, 2014 at 11:52am
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Humans are from and of earth.
Aliens are not from or of earth.
God created the earth and is not human.
God is alien.
Aliens, according to the gospel of Nathan222, do not exist.
The paradox is complete.

Logic and Religion do not play well together.
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