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Adoption by Homosexual Couples

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Mar 29, 2014 at 10:55am
That creature won't have a soul. The act itself of breeding with that creature would be a sin.

very similar to ow the old christian folks use to believe that the offspring between a black and white person was also the work of the devil.

tell me - do you think interracial marriages are okay nowadays or not. there are some racist groups up till today that claim not and even use the bible to justify their position similar to those of the old times.

Mar 29, 2014 at 11:00am
closed account (9E360pDG)
You caused that error. Believing in Christ is different from believing in man. I've never heard of Allah's witnesses or Allah has come Mosque but you see Jehovah's witnesses and Christ has come Church/Ministries. There are at least a million churches with different names. They can't all be teaching the same thing else they'll all have the same name. I believe in Christ and His word not churches and the pastors.
An offspring between a man and a creature will be a sin.
I see no errors. They compare the old and new testaments. Check my post in the previous page with links to old vs new testaments.
There is nothing wrong with inter racial marriage and i'm disappointed there are still racists. Christ came to save all mankind, all humans not chinese or japanese or africans or americans, all of them.
I wrote:
In case you find problems between the old testament and the new testament.
In the old testament, God hated, i mean, haaated sin to the point that He didn't condone it. He haaated it as much as the devil haates good.
In the new testament, Jesus showed God that man can be saved. That man will sin but death isn't the only way, that they can repent and be born again.
Just to re-clarify: [url="http://www.gotquestions.org/difference-old-new-testaments.html" ].

I'm sure you've heard nothing is new under the sun. That includes homosexuality. You think it's not in the bible and Christ didn't have anything to say about it.
Read Romans 1:24-27. Read it closely, i'll let you decide. In case you need more, just reply.
Last edited on Mar 29, 2014 at 11:30am
Mar 29, 2014 at 11:38am

Have you googled "Errors in the bible" - they don't list errors between the old testament vs the new. these list errors and contradictions within the new testament.

Mar 29, 2014 at 11:38am
closed account (z05DSL3A)
and it still comes down too why is the book you follow better than the book 1.16 Billion Catholics follow? or any of the other billions of christians follow?

You can not 'know' that the one you follow is the correct one by reading it and quoting it. So just how did you come to your book?
Mar 29, 2014 at 11:56am
closed account (9E360pDG)
We both use the bible. It's just the bible version that may differ. Christianity is split. So many Christians care too much about being catholic, anglican, presbyterian(may be wrongly spelt) etc. They call members of other churches false christians. It's just like a church i attented, what they said was "God visits other churches in the morning but resides here". I see why some have gone out of Christianity. They are being fed about "their church" and not taught about "Christ".
You should not follow churches, you should follow Christ.
Mar 29, 2014 at 12:05pm
closed account (9E360pDG)
Google results:
The 1st is flawed because it's Jehovah's witnesses. They don't believe in God or Christ, they don't have sunday churches, they don't believe in christmas. They use their own book not the bible. They are not Christians, they are jehovahtians. Their 50,000 errors is about Christ because they don't believe in Him. They are an evil cult.
The 2nd is flawed because it compares the old and new testaments.
The 3rd is flawed because it uses science and mixes bad bibles with a good one to get a point.
The 4th is the same as the 1st.
The 5th is the same as the 3rd.
The 6th is the same as the 2nd
The 8th is the mixture of the 6th and 2nd and it's behaviour is explained in the Bible.
The 10th mixes the 2nd and 3rd.
Last edited on Mar 29, 2014 at 2:49pm
Mar 29, 2014 at 2:49pm
They are a cult.

I submit that the only difference between a "cult" and a "religion" is the number of people who believe in it.
Mar 29, 2014 at 3:07pm
closed account (9E360pDG)
They claim they believe in God who they think is Jehovah but they don't believe in Jesus Christ. They don't believe in the new testament. They use a certain type of bible. They claim that non Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians yet they are called "Jehovah's Witnesses". They consider themselves the holiest of holiness in holiness.
This is the problem. There are so many churches and teachings. If you cut those out and focus on the bible and God's teachings, it'll be better. Ask a muslim his worship place, he'll say Mosque. Ask a christian, you might hear "Jesus is coming ministries" or "Devil is out ministries" or "church of God" or "The Lord is Here" or "Apostolic Church" or "Winners Chapel" or "Anglican" etc. What's the point of the church if you can't do what the bible teaches.
Last edited on Mar 29, 2014 at 3:10pm
Mar 29, 2014 at 3:58pm
They consider themselves the holiest of holiness in holiness.

Says the guy who just a page ago said people are the only beings in the universe created in Gods image and are the ones God created the entire universe for.

It's obvious to you that their practices are false.

Just as it's obvious to them that your practices are false.

Everyone has their own idea as to what is and isn't the "right" thing to believe in. Labeling one belief as a "cult" while continuing to claim your belief as an absolute truth is a bit of an oxymoron. Their belief has just as much credence to it as yours.
Mar 29, 2014 at 4:04pm
closed account (9E360pDG)
How can you believe in God and consider Christ false?
I said we are the unique beings and the only one's with souls and i stand by it. Believing in one's power and might can only get you so far. That's why Jesus Christ said we should let Him in. Read His word and accept Him.
Mar 29, 2014 at 4:12pm
Sounds pretty cultish to me.
Mar 29, 2014 at 4:22pm
closed account (9E360pDG)
What does?
Mar 29, 2014 at 5:18pm
How can you believe in God and consider Christ false?

How can you believe what the Jehova's Witnesses believe is false?

Read His word and accept Him.

Jehova's Witnesses have their own literature. Read their word and accept it.

EDIT: also, Jehova's Witnesses believe in Jesus. Their believes are very similar to mainstream Christianity save a few minor differences and the fact that they're generally more strict about the rules that need to be followed in order to be saved.
Last edited on Mar 29, 2014 at 5:21pm
Mar 29, 2014 at 5:27pm
closed account (9E360pDG)
Gen 1:26 "Let us make man in our image"
Us = God the Father + God the Son + God the Holy Spirit.
Us (according to Jehovah's Witnesses) = Me = God the Father.
They call theirs Christendom when there is no Christ to them.
Mar 29, 2014 at 5:33pm
@Nathan222 - Quite a serious question. If you were born in Iran, do you think you would still follow the teachings of the Bible and Christianity?
Mar 29, 2014 at 5:47pm
closed account (9E360pDG)
That 'if' will never happen. Even if i wasn't alive now, i wouldn't be born in Iran. We all have our designated countries and purposes.
Mar 29, 2014 at 6:09pm
@Nathan222. What opinion does God have on a child born in Iran then? Iran is an Islamic state and the child will be taught that Islam is the one true path. Let's say that child grows up and reaches the age of sixteen. They may have never seen a Bible or perhaps even heard of Christianity. There are probably millions of children in this kind of situation. Would God punish them for not following the correct path? Some of these children will die having never seen or heard of anything more than Islam. Do they go to hell for this?
Mar 29, 2014 at 6:25pm
closed account (9E360pDG)
God's view on Iran children is the same for all non-believers, i.e. that they seek Him.
That child will one day leave Iran or meet Christians.
Mar 29, 2014 at 6:34pm
Wait what...I follow Islam (I'm not from Iran). I'm 15. Nathan222, let me ask you a question. How do you know what whatever is written in the Bible is true and is not modified by humans?
Let me fix one of your sentence:
That child will one day leave Iran or meet Christians. grow up into a fine young man/woman.

Did you even keep a count of how many times the bible has been modified? There are different 'versions' of the bible ;).

You are 12 (as others have said) probably, and don't yet have a deep understand of how the world works. I was a shithead at your age. I've seen many 12 year olds and they all act like you do, they argue on what they think is right. I know a guy who just turned 13 and he criticises everyone's height. Who ever he sees, he is like "He is so tall", "He is so short"...and to me "You are short" even though my height is perfectly normal for a 15 year old (my height is 5 "7). For that kid, even 6ft isn't that tall. I ignore his comments on someone's height now. His theory is that if you play games on a laptop, it'll heat up and get damaged...he runs some heavy apps too like Google Chrome and thinks that "Slender: The Eight Pages" can't be played because of that 'heating up' thing.

OK so enough of my rant, my point is that Nathan222, just stop arguing pointlessly. People would ignore you if you keep this up, I bet BHX already does.

Plus, if you say that God has a son whom you Christians call "Jesus", why do you worship Jesus instead of worshiping God himself?
Last edited on Mar 29, 2014 at 6:43pm
Mar 29, 2014 at 7:24pm
I know I said I'd bow out of this thread, but I do have to say one more thing.

Nathan: You, like everyone else with a strong faith, fail to grasp a very simple concept:

- There are many different religious belief structures.
- There have been countless different structures throughout history.
- Everyone who believed in their religion was positive that they were correct and that everyone who disagreed was wrong. They knew it as a 'fact'.
- There is no more evidence to suggest that Christianity is true than there is to suggest that any other faith is true. Yes, there is the Bible to support Christianity, but there's also the Book of Mormon to support Mormonism, there's also the Qur'an to support Islam, there were volumes of tomes to support ancient Greeks (Zeus, etc).

So while you continue to speak of the Bible as the absolute truth, other people will continue to speak of their book as the absolute truth. Short of God himself coming down from the heavens and setting the record straight, it is simply impossible for anyone to truly know which religion has it right.

You may think that the Qur'an and <insert other book here> is wrong... but that's exactly what people who read those books think of the Bible.
Last edited on Mar 29, 2014 at 7:25pm
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