Adoption by Homosexual Couples

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Why do you care Ispil? Why would having this argument in a new thread be any better than having it in this thread? At least if it's in this thread, people can easily look back and get previous comments.

Seriously. If you don't like the thread... stay out of it. "Let the thread die" posts and even more pointless than the posts you are claiming to be pointless.

Nathan wrote:
Yes, we are the only ones with souls.

This is actually one of the things that turns me off to Christianity. Do you see how this could be perceived as incredibly arrogant?

I can't claim to know everything or understand everything about the Bible or God because i don't know everything.

That's fine. I don't expect you to know everything. Maybe we can learn from each other here. I'm all in favor of learning.

Do you agree with my above summary of Matthew:22-30?

Jesus is the good shepherd so it's either you are helping Him gather the sheep

The irony here... and I know this was unintentional on your part... and I know the "shepherd and flock of sheep" bit is not something you personally came up with.... but sheep are perceived to be stupid animals that blindly follow a shepherd.

As such, it's generally used as an insult (at least among atheists) for people who lack the ability to think for themselves, and those who mindlessly do what they are told.
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The only reason I do care is that by being stupid enough to post in it, it now shows up differently on the forums and constantly comes back into view. That, and watching brick walls argue with brick walls over the chemical contents of their mortars with the expectation that they will promptly disassemble themselves due to the impurity of such mortar is... well, like beating my head against a brick wall.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Let's only have conversations about what we all agree on, that will make for an interesting read. God knows we wouldn't want to learn anything about other view points would we?
Last edited on by Canis lupus
closed account (iAk3T05o)
Yes i see that. Words in the bible can sometimes seem provocative, arrogant and scary but i look at it this way: if they minced words, would it still be what it was? Sure, it would be accepted by everyone but to represent something true, it has to be what it is, how it was said, if it was a provocative word, let it be there. At least it tells it apart from any other book.
For instance, take what you said about the sheep. In the bible, believers are the sheep and non-believers are the goats. During judgement, the sheep go on the right hand of God while the goats go on the left. I'm sure to some, this is very insultive & arrogant but it is what it is. That's what they use, sheep follow the leader, they may seem stupid but in life but are considered the ideal way to represent believers & followers of Christ. Goats on the other hand are unorganised and act randomly. I believe their use in the bible wasn't based on their on stupidity but their ability to be lead and not stray. That's why we have the wolf in sheep's clothing. And don't forget that the lamb was used many times in the bible and that Jesus Christ is the lamb but that doesn't make Christ stupid.
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Sheep were also sacrificed.
closed account (iAk3T05o)
Exactly. Which is why Christ is called the sacrificial lamb. He did so many things gods won't do. He washed His disciples feet. It just makes you wonder why an omniscience God would do that. But it shows great humility.
Yes, we are the only ones with souls.

So then all the other trillions of species in the universe are equivalent to animals on earth, regardless of the fact that some of these species may look very human like and be much more intelligent than we on earth are?

Would you therefor consider a member of such a species inferior as you would an animal?
closed account (iAk3T05o)
Yes i would. Apes, monkeys, chimpanzees etc. come very close to looking as human as possible. Even if we found a species that could calculate at a speed greater than the fastest earth computer, one thing remains unchanged. We are the only beings with the spirit of God in us (man = body + soul + spirit). We are the only species found worthy enough by God to possess His Spirit. We are the only ones that made Him feel the need to come down to us. We are the only species that has and will ever be created in the image and likeness of God. Even if we found a real life creature that was so smart, it was almost impossible, we still have one advantage which is; we were found important enough, worthy enough, God-like enough to carry His Spirit, to possess a soul, to be eternal.
That can't change no matter what creature is found, God didn't find them worthy enough, smart enough and important enough to possess a soul worth judging and pure enough to carry His Spirit.
Why are there reported posts? Even I don't consider them to be spam or offensive.

so would you treat citizens from other species as inferior as you would an animal.

basically if we one day co-existed with other species (some of them on earth and some of us on their planet) then would you as a Christian be opposed to treating them with the same respect as you would a human?

would you also wish/try to enslave them for your own benefit as you would an animal?
closed account (iAk3T05o)
It would depend. If it was animal like with things in weird places, i won't be so comfortable near them. If there were kind of human like, i still won't be comfortable around them but if they treated me well, i would try to treat them as best as i can before hurrily leaving. I may not treat it as a human but not as an animal. I probably won't treat it because i haven't seen so many animals and i'm not so excited to get out there and start touring. I would also have to ask God.
I know you might think i'm doing it to scare you but i doubt the possibility of finding any because of the time. The world is coming to an end (i don't know how else to say it) so you may never have the chance to find one. It depends on how soon that "end" is.
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We are the only ones that made Him feel the need to come down to us.

Invalid until proven otherwise.
closed account (iAk3T05o)
That is Jesus Christ.
closed account (N36fSL3A)
Even if we found a species that could calculate at a speed greater than the fastest earth computer
Pretty much any animal that has a developed brain.
I would also have to ask God.

you would have to ask God if you should treat them with a certain level of respect ...

but unless god speaks to you with a loud distinct voice that everyone can hear, your claims of what he said to you would actually be unfounded and hence cannot promote healthy social rules.

i mean, what if god tells you to respect species x but tells another christian to make war on species x.

that was pretty much how they justified treating black people as animals back in the day. later on more white Christians decided that black people also have souls and started treating them equally.

also believing that we are the only species god wants to save out of the trillions of others again sounds like the "we are at the center of the universe" bs.

haven't you learnt that we are at the center of nothing i.t.o the universe. the stars and other planets don't revolve around us.

I know you might think i'm doing it to scare you but i doubt the possibility of finding any because of the time. The world is coming to an end (i don't know how else to say it) so you may never have the chance to find one. It depends on how soon that "end" is.

you cannot scare me with that at all anymore - Christians have been saying the world is very near its end for a very long time now - its part of the scare tactic to accept Christianity.

the only end coming is the end of Christianity - with your discriminating attitude toward others, it is no wonder that you are part of a dying breed.
Disch wrote:
Seriously. If you don't like the thread... stay out of it. "Let the thread die" posts and even more pointless than the posts you are claiming to be pointless.

It isn't a matter of not liking the thread. It is a matter of wondering when everyone here started thinking they were the exception to the rule. Fredbill was reported so many times for thread derailment that his first account got banned and you all have gotten onto me numerous times for making comments that had nothing to do with the topic. Yet, here everyone is for ~25 pages derailing the thread and keeping it off topic. The topic was "Adoption by Homosexual Couples" and NOT "Discuss Religions and the existence of God and Other Mythical Creatures". I think twicker should close this thread as it is completely off topic and after I've seen three or four attempts to get it back on topic members debating with Nathan2222 drove it right back off topic.
BHX wrote:
Yet, here everyone is for ~25 pages derailing the thread and keeping it off topic.

If you caught this during the thread derailment 25 pages ago... you may have had a point. But since the topic has been about Christianity for 25 pages I think it's safe to say that the topic has merely changed.

But fine. Whatever. Your post has put me in a foul enough mood that I honestly don't want to participate in the thread anymore.

So mission accomplished. Jerk.
Words hurt! Sticks and stones are no match for protective body armor!
What if they don't hit you in the torso :P
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