Nothing but once you made that statement, the possibility of me telling my age was lessened beyond what it already was.
How old a Rock are you? (don't give me any age < 1000 because it's not *possible*).
There are different types of atheism and everyone is born with implicit atheism. Until someone is introduced to theism they are atheist.
Most people get indoctrinated with theism and never look back. Once you are introduced to theism you can choose to reject it and be an explicate atheist. There are even ranges within this; from rejecting the existence of a deity to rejecting the existence of any spiritual, supernatural, or transcendental concepts, such as those of Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Taoism.
@bill: what's a nerve? How am i getting on the nerve when i'm in my house? Your grammar is confusing me. Please, use ABC's I applied for a job last week but i didn't get it so i decided to start grade one again. I'm the oldest in the class at 2,222 years. So no, i'm not yet at 5th grade.