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Jan 3, 2014 at 1:58am
@rtd if you don't like some kids' games, go play your own, don't disturb them.
(quote from Me talking to my nephew who's 5)

@Lumpkin: If I was to go around here in Italy saying Sir to under-30 whenever I started talking, I'd be in a hospital within two hours.
Not sure about somewhere else.
Jan 3, 2014 at 2:03am
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
can we all just take a step back here and stop nitpicking over little things? lets be sensible... @phoenix omega: we are accepting and very rude of you to judge us otherwise. just as we arent use to how you act, you arent use to us. we had the same problem with fred lumpkin because he would act in a way we didnt like and werent use to. @satsuma: who are you to say a thread game isnt educational? but even as i post these, they are just opinions that dont mean much, same as what everyone else said. so what if disch finds it strange that you say sir phoenix? or if LB and satsuma dont like forum games. no one is going to win this argument because its just our opinions,
Jan 3, 2014 at 2:05am
closed account (N36fSL3A)
^Yea this, this argument is pointless - It's like arguing which console is better.
Jan 3, 2014 at 2:09am
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
reading that im not sure if i made my point clear so let me rephrase... why argue over petty little things like this. why not go back to the great educational debates we used to have, like windows vs *nix, jit vs interpreted vs true compiled, java vs c++
Jan 3, 2014 at 2:11am
closed account (N36fSL3A)
Oh yea, that. Either way, that's better than having a pointless argument like this that's going to destroy the forums.
Jan 3, 2014 at 6:02am
closed account (91qLy60M)
DTSCode wrote:
@phoenix omega: we are accepting and very rude of you to judge us otherwise.

No, I'm just being honest. Two members left (sure they may have overreacted, but members were quick to criticize them for leaving and deleting their account), I feel unwelcome because I do something "strange", have made one thread attacking beginners because they don't come here immediately knowing how to make detailed topic titles, another thread attacking members for giving answers rather than leading them to find the answer themselves, and thread games apparently are a problem even though it is in the lounge where it should be.

You are accepting, so long as the people submit to your peer pressure bullying. I've also noticed that seems everyone is quick to say someone is hypocritical or one-minded when they say something that is against the collective way of thinking and completely ignore their point of view on a topic. If the community was accepting, my sir/ma'am would have never been an issue.

As for the people of the midwest hating being called sir or ma'am, I've never had any complaints when I went on vacation to visit family in Chicago or Cincinnati.

I wanted to learn C++ programming here, but it is obvious I'm not accepted here. So you all won't have to worry about my sir/ma'am anymore because I'm going to another programming site where the users and even site admin has told me it doesn't bother them at all that I address everyone as sir or ma'am. So I will end this and my presence on here with "Good day, ladies and gentlemen of Cplusplus.com".

PS. Protocol probably won't be broken, so let the criticism commence now that I'm gone.
Jan 3, 2014 at 6:14am
closed account (N36fSL3A)
No please don't go :(

Its not worth it to leave!
Jan 3, 2014 at 6:43am
You are accepting, so long as the people submit to your peer pressure bullying.

Good grief. Another lounge bunny with an attitude.

You've asked literally two questions concerning C++ in the time you've been here. You've made 4 posts in the programming forums, 2 of which were questions that could've been easily answered by reading the tutorial here. The other 2 were thanking people for revealing to you what you could've easily researched yourself.

The rest of your posts have been whining in the lounge. You complaining about how people shouldn't complain.

If your posts were about learning C++ perhaps things would've gone differently for you.

I wanted to learn C++ programming here, but it is obvious I'm not accepted here.

Nobody but you has rejected anyone here, and you have rejected everyone here.
Jan 3, 2014 at 7:49am
Good grief. Another lounge bunny with an attitude

Every time I see "lounge bunny" I bust a rib, delightful :D
Jan 3, 2014 at 7:52am
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
No, I'm just being honest

no. your being judgemental

Two members left (sure they may have overreacted, but members were quick to criticize them for leaving and deleting their account)

if they overreacted then they shouldnt be criticized?

I feel unwelcome because I do something "strange", have made one thread attacking beginners because they don't come here immediately knowing how to make detailed topic titles, another thread attacking members for giving answers rather than leading them to find the answer themselves, and thread games apparently are a problem even though it is in the lounge where it should be.

you are unwelcome because you are being judgemental of how we operate.
its not hard to know what to put rather than "help". even just "compiler errors" is better than help and not that hard to realize you need to do. giving answers rather than leading them to it is not good and should be adressed. if we just give people answers no one learns. thread games arent a problem. only two people have mentioned them and they are entitled to the opinion of not liking them
Jan 3, 2014 at 9:10am
[page 4] closed account (3qX21hU5)
oh, not again...
edit: Rest in peace, Zereo.
edit2: and Grey Wolf too? Is this a joke?
Last edited on Jan 3, 2014 at 9:15am
Jan 3, 2014 at 11:01am
closed account (N36fSL3A)
Dude wtf. Why is everyone closing their accounts? I really liked both of them...

You know what, I think I'm gonna take a break from the lounge for a while.
Jan 3, 2014 at 3:49pm
People please!
It appears that because one person has left in a hot moment and with his last post has caused us all to start getting on each others nerves. What's going on?

Personally I don't see a single problem with polite titles at all, is it not better to be excessively polite than excessively rude?

Anyways I believe that from this moment onwards nobody should reply to this post, not to be rude but haven't we lost 3 members on this thing? This is one of the largest posts I've seen and some reason no matter what anyone says or how politely they try to display there opinion it appears someone else insists on being offended in some manor.

Stop arguing here and return to the programming parts or something and help others out rather than shouting at each other.
Jan 3, 2014 at 3:54pm
SatsumaBenji wrote:
Personally I don't see a single problem with polite titles at all
They have negative connotations in some places, generally they are slang. That's society for you - taking nice things and making them ugly.
Last edited on Jan 3, 2014 at 3:54pm
Jan 3, 2014 at 6:42pm
This thread reminds me of the end of Reservoir Dogs.

@Albatross: Ma'm! Ma'm! ... lol

About sir/ma'm for real, I say people can type whatever they want and people can respond however they want. I personally don't like the words, since they imply superiority and are gender specific.
Jan 3, 2014 at 7:47pm
Also Omega closed his account.
I don't know the reasons why everyone's leaving, and at this point in time I don't even care what the reasons are.
I'm not leaving, in my free time I'll still help in the topics who I think are decently written, and I'll still post my opinions in the lounge, in the topics I prefer.

I'm not sure anybody cares tho
Jan 5, 2014 at 1:36pm
I probably should not resurrect this thread, but just in case anyone is feeling even slightly guilty about the Phoenix Omega debacle... you may be interested in this.

A couple of days ago I received an e-mail from BHXSpecter with the following body:

Just wanted to let someone on the site know. I've still been watching and debating on whether to make a new account, but Phoenix Omega is just a spoonlicker wannabe.He did email me once, but only to ask if I was really just a troll on the site and then replied again last night admitting he was a spoonlicker fan. He was bragging he was better because he made two veteran members quit. I'm seeing red right now, but even madder because there is nothing I can do since I saw he already closed his account.

Sorry, you are the only one from the site I had that I could email about this from the site.

BHXSpecter //Albatross note: name censored for privacy.

The moral of the story? Be polite to trolls and they will ragequit.

EDIT: Typo.

Last edited on Jan 5, 2014 at 1:41pm
Jan 5, 2014 at 3:28pm
He was bragging he was better because he made two veteran members quit. I'm seeing red right now, but even madder because there is nothing I can do since I saw he already closed his account.

Whatever. It's not worth getting mad about.

Nobody made Zereo/Grey Wolf* quit. They're big boys and can make their own decisions. If it was their choice to leave, there is no way to legitimately shift the blame to a single troll in a single thread.

*(did Grey Wolf even quit? I saw his name mentioned in this thread, but didn't see him actually post in it?)

Though in hindsight this makes sense. Why he was so quick to be insulted and act all offended when I started talking about different cultures, and his lack of response to my 10 apologies.
Last edited on Jan 5, 2014 at 3:29pm
Jan 5, 2014 at 3:31pm
closed account (N36fSL3A)
Yea, he did quit. I'm pretty sad about that.

Yea, and if Phoenix Omega was a troll he really sucked at it, I wasn't bothered by it at all.
Jan 6, 2014 at 6:17am
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
po was a troll? *shakes head* they just dont make them like they used to. i talked to zereo on irc and he said he quit for a variety of reasons, with phoenix being a minor one
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