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windows, mac, or linux?

Pages: 123456
Jul 30, 2013 at 6:18pm
closed account (z05DSL3A)
i see no where on there that it says there are less. its built on the freebsd kernel, not the unix kernel.
XNU is built on the Mach kernel with BSD mixed in, if you want to be pedantic.

and while it might have been secure at one time, its not as updated as ms windows.
care to provide supporting evidence for this?

while i do agree with the fact that there are more people for windows, that doesnt make it less secure.
yep, the number of people is not what makes Windows less secure.

Jul 30, 2013 at 6:20pm
closed account (jwkNwA7f)
DTSCode wrote:
i dont care what computer hope says

Yes, just one source isn't good enough, but I have found others, just can't find them at this time. I have found several that said UNIX kernel and people who have said that also, but I did do some more research and found that you were right that is built on the freebsd kernel.

DTSCode wrote:
no where does it say there are less

however, it is on there:
Computerhope wrote:


It is possible for an Apple Macintosh computer to get a virus, so the short answer to the question is Yes. However, the likelihood of an Apple Macintosh user getting a virus when compared to a Microsoft Windows user is very little to none. In fact, many of the Apple Macintosh users don't even run an antivirus protection program.

Below are some of the reasons why Apple Macintosh computers do not have as many viruses as Microsoft Windows.

Newer Macintosh operating systems, such as the Mac OS X, is built on the Unix kernel, which is one of the oldest and most secure operating systems available.
Microsoft Windows is used by a lot more people than the Apple Mac OS. Because more people use Microsoft Windows, it is a much better target and makes it easier for viruses to spread.
Most of the computer virus writers are more familiar with the IBM platform and Microsoft Windows, which means its easier for them create a virus for that platform.
Many of the tools, scripts, and code used to create viruses or other malware are designed for Microsoft Windows.

DTSCode wrote:
i have found many holes in the os.

Okay, I believe you. You do know more than I do about that.

I am sorry if I messed up something. My sister is playing Just Dance in the same room I am in, and it is very hard for me to think.
Last edited on Jul 30, 2013 at 6:23pm
Jul 30, 2013 at 6:22pm
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
@gray wolf: http://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/ISO-IMAGES/9.0/
Jul 30, 2013 at 6:25pm
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
o just because it says the part you bolded doesnt mean there are less. in fact thats not what it says at all. lets say for the sake of the arguement that it is the most secure thing ever. that doesnt mean people wont try to break in. in fact i think it would encourage it
Jul 30, 2013 at 6:26pm
closed account (jwkNwA7f)
@DTSCode It does say there are less:
Computerhope wrote:

It is possible for an Apple Macintosh computer to get a virus, so the short answer to the question is Yes. However, the likelihood of an Apple Macintosh user getting a virus when compared to a Microsoft Windows user is very little to none. In fact, many of the Apple Macintosh users don't even run an antivirus protection program.

You are right besides that^^. I was relying on unreliable resources.

I bolded the wrong thing. Like I said before it is very hard to think with my sister playing Just Dance.
Last edited on Jul 30, 2013 at 6:27pm
Jul 30, 2013 at 6:27pm
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
once again... getting one is less likely doesnt mean there are less. it could a) have more protection b) have a better user base who know what to look for c) not properly distributed viruses
Jul 30, 2013 at 6:29pm
closed account (z05DSL3A)
DTSCode wrote:
@gray wolf: http://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/ISO-IMAGES/9.0/
Sorry what's your point?
Jul 30, 2013 at 6:29pm
closed account (jwkNwA7f)
Well, yea I was wrong on that too I guess. :(

I wrote:
Like I said before it is very hard to think with my sister playing Just Dance.
Jul 30, 2013 at 6:31pm
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
if you look thats the freebsd site and no file has been updated since 2012
edit: my bad. i was in the current release. ok i was wrong about the releases
Last edited on Jul 30, 2013 at 6:33pm
Jul 30, 2013 at 6:33pm
closed account (3qX21hU5)
cppprogrammer you do know you are using basically another type of yahoo help to get your "proof" or "evidence". It's basically the same as doing me quoting any opinion from this forum and stating it as fact.

I don't really agree with either one of you guys but I just wanted to point out you aren't posting statistical data or even a study that has been conducted (Even these can be unreliable), you are basically just re-posting someone else's opinions.
Jul 30, 2013 at 6:34pm
cppprogrammer297 wrote:
Like I said before it is very hard to think with my sister playing Just Dance.

Is it me, or does this sentence sound wrong regardless of emphasis?
Jul 30, 2013 at 6:35pm
closed account (jwkNwA7f)
@Zereo I know.

I wrote:
I was relying on unreliable resources.
Jul 30, 2013 at 6:36pm
closed account (z05DSL3A)
if you look thats the freebsd site and no file has been updated since 2012
it is also not, I repeat, NOT the kernel of OS X.
Jul 30, 2013 at 6:36pm
closed account (3qX21hU5)
Ohh sorry about that missed that post. My mistake.
Jul 30, 2013 at 6:36pm
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
@zereo: im not saying im right. im saying prove me wrong and he has yet to do that
Jul 30, 2013 at 6:37pm
closed account (jwkNwA7f)
chrisname wrote:
Is it me, or does this sentence sound wrong regardless of emphasis?

No, she really is. She is dancing to some Elvis song. It is very loud. If that is what you meant.
Last edited on Jul 30, 2013 at 6:40pm
Jul 30, 2013 at 6:38pm
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
@grey wolf: i apologize for (for lack of a better word) assumption. i read it somewhere a while ago. i am dropping it as part of my arguement as i am dead wrong with it
Jul 30, 2013 at 6:58pm
closed account (jwkNwA7f)
btw, I did find out out what song it was: Jailhouse Rock. And, now she is dancing to Brittney Spear's Oops, I Did it Again. so :P
Jul 30, 2013 at 6:59pm
DTSCode wrote:
i can quickly write exes quickly that would wreak havock with linux and osx
Without root access? Prove it.
Jul 30, 2013 at 7:00pm
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
ok. give me a sec
Pages: 123456