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Do you use Linux

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Jul 15, 2013 at 2:10am
Fredbill is right. You can compare apples and oranges. A must read:

Last edited on Jul 15, 2013 at 2:10am
Jul 15, 2013 at 6:27am
Fredbill30 wrote:
Exactly. But oranges and apples aren't completely different. It's a bad analogy.

That's why I used my analogy. I thought it was better.

It wasn't better. Comparing nutritional differences and similarities between fruit. You are looking too deep at the analogy as it simply means it's not fair to judge apples and oranges by the same criteria. Same is true for DX v OGL as you can't use the same criteria that you judge DX by in order to judge OGL because one is made up of multiple libs and API while the other is just a graphics library.

Fredbill30 wrote:
It's cool that you double post to get your post count up.

Yes, he is doing it solely for getting his post count up. He has been here almost a year and has 469 posts, I've been here for two years and have 1463 or so posts. Where as you have been here less than a year and have 1490 posts and devonrevenge has been here short of a year and has 1929 posts. Double posts don't imply post padding, but making replies that give 1-10 word replies without stating why you feel the way you do in your reply or replies that make no sense whatsoever do tend to make people think you are just spamming the site to get a high post count.

For example:
Fredbill30 wrote:
You want to be taken serious and then use what some sites call Yahoo!-isms. You couldn't even take the time to type "What?", but left it at that. You didn't even explain whether it was his whole comment that flew over your head or just parts of it. Also, your analogy wasn't better as you took the basic meaning of what the "apples and oranges" saying meant and then made an analogy that was perfectly comparable as all foods nutrition can be compared because they all have the same determining traits (nutrition labels for example that give fats, sugars, carbs, etc can be compared because they all have the same things on them).
Jul 15, 2013 at 7:01am
closed account (N36fSL3A)
Well BHX I didn't understand what you were saying.

I said "lolwut" because I didn't understand what he was saying. If I say "lol" I think what he said was funny.

wut = What, so put the two together and you get "Haha What?"
Jul 15, 2013 at 7:21am
Wow this thread has derailed like mad. Why is it that the simple threads like this always turn into flame wars? D:
Jul 15, 2013 at 7:26am
closed account (N36fSL3A)
Because we are animals and aren't sophisticated enough, drew isn't it obvious? :P
Jul 15, 2013 at 3:24pm
Because, as always, Fredbill30 replies to a topic saying someone is wrong which he then says one of two phrases after he is corrected.

1) I didn't understand what you were saying.
2) I was being sarcastic.

I know what "lolwut" stands for, but it doesn't remove the fact that on this forum you are expected to type proper English. "lolwut" isn't proper English, but rather a Yahoo!-ism and makes you look lazy and/or dumb. Though, you make yourself look bad with all the things you reply to acting like you know about them and then becomes painfully obvious you don't know. Instead of learning and building your knowledge you seem to be content with posting useless replies right along side devonrevenge. This is yet another reason everyone keeps saying you are trolling as you only seem to be happy replying to things that start more arguments.


I don't know how many people have started skipping over your replies, but unless the reply is useful to the thread it is in, I'm done with you and you being childish. Yes you are 12, but I've met quite a few 12 year olds that acted above their age, and you made it sound like you were, but looking at all your replies and excuses make you look like you are acting below your age.
Last edited on Jul 15, 2013 at 3:26pm by closed account z6A9GNh0
Jul 15, 2013 at 4:02pm
Wow… Did this thread ever get hijacked.

As for the original post, I use Linux Mint 15 for my OS on my MacBook. I've changed the look/feel of Linux Mint (made my own lock screen and edited/stolen other people's environments/fonts/icons/etc).
For testing, I have a really old and lightweight version of openSUSE running in a VM.

As for actual development, I use whatever text editor is closest to the mouse (or easiest to type) at the time. Usually, I'll start a project in Sublime Text 2 (it is really one of my favorites). Emacs is just so darn useful for configuration files. Vim is my default terminal-based editor. Sometimes I use Code::Blocks or Qt Creator. On my Mac side, Xcode is added to the aforementioned list of editors.

As for compiling, I usually write a compile.sh script at first and a Makefile if I seriously want to distribute what I've made.
Jul 15, 2013 at 10:04pm
closed account (N36fSL3A)
As you can see BHX, I do not usually type in intrnetz speek lyke dis. I usually just type how I write, I don't think being on the internet is any excuse to butcher the English language.

When I put "lolwut" it's always a joke, I don't think I'll ever be serious when using that.

Instead of learning and building your knowledge you seem to be content with posting useless replies right along side devonrevenge.

I actually spend most of my time that I am on this laptop looking up ways to improve my knowledge, I look up new ways to do things, and more efficient ways. Just because I don't go on here to ask questions doesn't mean I don't go to other sources. I only post here on last resort to problems, which is why you most likely got this impression.

Yes you are 12, but I've met quite a few 12 year olds that acted above their age, and you made it sound like you were, but looking at all your replies and excuses make you look like you are acting below your age.

Really? Because I'm sure many other 12/13 year olds really do act below me. The internet is different to me. I seen other peeps act one way, I think its okay and I follow. Then when you guys tell me to stop, I really do try for some time but by then it becomes a habit. This is probably because I don't usually spend a lot of time on the internet.

In school and in other places it's really different. I'm actually known as a role model who gets good grades and such, and is always helpful. And no, I don't follow others usually.(god I don't know why it's so different)

EDIT - Spelling.
Last edited on Jul 15, 2013 at 10:13pm by Fredbill30
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