DirectX has nothing to do with it. In the console wars, as of 2012, PS2 had the largest game collection. Playstation runs a very similar OS to linux and I doubt they use DirectX in their games. Some rather famous people have denounced DirectX (John Carmack, for example).
PS2 – 2.016
DS/3DS – 1.707
Wii – 1.220
Xbox 360 – 930
PSP – 777
PS3 – 760
PS Vita – 65
Wii U – 32
DirectX is supported by Windows (and MS products). OpenGL is supported on Mac, Windows, Linux, PS3 (as a GCM wrapper), Wii, iPhone, PSP, DS (basically every gaming platform except Xbox and 360 last I read). This was back in 2010, but I doubt it has drastically changed so you have a wider platform with OpenGL than DirectX. Only reason people say to use DirectX is because of the off chance you program for a Microsoft backed (or fanboy) company and that they fall for the bull MS pushes about the API. If you look at websites that show statistics of what OS they use Windows it the largest used OS.
Only reason people say to use DirectX is because of the off chance you program for a Microsoft backed (or fanboy) company and that they fall for the bull MS pushes about the API. If you look at websites that show statistics of what OS they use Windows it the largest used OS.
Please elaborate on this "bull" you are talking about? Many people prefer DirectX because they like it. DirectX does somethings a lot better then openGL and openGL does some things a lot better then DirectX. It all comes down to which one the developers decide to use and which one fits their needs best.
But what you are saying is that if no development companies were backed by Microsoft (Or are their fanboys as you say) no one would use directX in AAA games right? Well that is just stupid.
Arch Linux
WM: i3
Terminal multiplexer: tmux
Terminal emulator: urxvt
Editor: vim ( ftw )
Shell: zsh
The best tools I recommend you to learn are ... ... All, and any scripting languages. Just learn as much as you can about everything in computing - That will allow you to expand like bats into any area
As for the original question, yes I do use Linux my current setup is this.
OS - Linux Mint 15 (Just switched and I am loving it) along with another partition with Windows 8
Terminal - Mainly I use Guake Terminal
Editor - I switch between vim and sublime text 3
Only problem I have had with Mint is something to do with suspend and hibernation mode not working. Whenever I either close the lid of my laptop or manually suspend Mint it won't come out of hibernation/suspend when I open the lid or try and turn it back on. Still trying to fix this problem and think it might have something to do with my wireless card (Not sure how but that is what linux IRC suggested).
OS - Linux BackTrack and Windows 7
Terminal - Guake again
Editor - sublime text 3 on Linux and VS2012 on windows
DirectX has evolved
more gracefully than
OpenGL and is
supported and
maintained by a single
company rather than a
consortium, so the API
is updated more swiftly
as technologies
Same as saying dictatorship/monarchy is better than democracy as in former a dictator/king* can make quick judgements and executions than a democratic government*.
*if you don't get it i am calling microsoft the dictator who suppreres+ any rebelions who questions their non-ethical and non-rational based administration model.
+suppresions in the form of proprietary API and deals with different hardware and software companies.
OpenGL generally uses extensions to keep up with more modern technology, actually allowing OpenGL to be able to support things faster than DirectX in several occasions.
Zereo, in some cases, there is no matter of the API, since DirectX isn't portable at all. Rather, I don't see why one would use DirectX because it isn't portable, even if the API is better (which I don't believe it is).
Also, there is plenty of propaganda that MS spreads about DirectX. There were several occasions where Microsoft claimed OpenGL would not be allowed to be supported on their platform. There were other occasions where they basically claimed DirectX could do the work of magic fairies (see some of the bullshit advertisements they put out in comparisons of DX9 and DX10... some of those were just plain wrong).
Going further, OpenGL isn't generally used *plainly* on consoles. It's modified slightly to adjust to the hardware on that specific console, although it resembles the original OpenGL API. Except Xbox.
I just find it funny how so many people have a negative view towards Microsoft when other companies(Google, Apple, ect) they like follow the same exact practices. It seems like business these days are suppose to be despised because they actually try and sell their products.
Lets take amhndu's comment for example
+suppresions in the form of proprietary API and deals with different hardware and software companies.
So any software that is proprietary is somehow bad? Many companies have proprietary software it's not like Mircosoft is the only one.
And making deals with hardware and software companies? Cmon that has to be a joke. Almost EVERY companies makes deals with vendors.
Now don't get me wrong I like Linux as much as the rest of you, but it going a bit far comparing Mircosoft with a dictatorship.
DirectX has everything to do with it. Forget the console wars because we are talking about Windows vs. unix/linux; DirectX vs. OpenGL. The fact is AAA developers do prefer DirectX for the reasons I stated. There are numerous articles about this online. I didn't just pull it out of my ass.
For the record I am not supporting Microsoft. The direction they are heading makes me sick. I don't know DirectX or OpenGL but I am certain that OpenGL is in a state where it can compete with DirectX. I would love to see more developers drop DirectX in favor of OpenGL.
Zereo, its only because Microsoft has large amounts of power and they sometimes abuse that to gain what they want. In some cases, they don't give a fuck about anyone and only seem to care about their goals of extending their power. DirectX isn't exactly one of those cases... you aren't forced to use DirectX and it saddens me that people practically default to it on a Windows platform. Then they claim that supporting a secondary platform is just too much work (League of Legends). I cannot STAND the mindset of companies that go something like:
1. We'll never support anything but Windows so lets use DirectX.
2. Gains a slight bit of popularity
3. Has a group of 2000 - 5000 people wanting support for Linux/MacOS.
4. Doesn't even attempt to port the game since Windows users fulfill their financial bottom-line.
5. Linux/MacOS users end up with secondary solutions such as WINE with no support what so ever from game company.
Nope, don't use it. However I do have a Linux CD which is used for using a Taiwanese apparatus which cracks all Wi-Fi passwords within a 5 mile radius.
Zereo, its only because
Microsoft has large
amounts of power and
they sometimes abuse
that to gain what they
Thats what i meant.
I donot hate Microsoft and infact i actually liked windows 7 and xp.
>ms and vendor deals
ofcourse such deals are no bad but i am only worried of power abuse.
DirectX has everything to do with it. Forget the console wars because we are talking about Windows vs. unix/linux; DirectX vs. OpenGL.
If it has everything to do with it then you have to consider consoles because it is my understanding that the consoles run linux like OSes. Consoles are just specialized PCs so you see that DirectX is only limited to Xbox, Windows, Windows Phone while OpenGL is used by Playstation, Nintendo, Linux, Mac, iPhone, etc.
Since they are specialized PCs, so they are a valid argument for DX v OGL. You can't eliminate gaming platforms just to make your argument which still is limp because the fact that most Windows games usually have OGL as an option. I remember playing Unreal Tournament 3 on my PC with DX activated wouldn't display textures or walls (and that was with a nVidia GeForce card) but as soon as I changed to OpenGL it drew everything fine. Same with Heavy Metal FAKK2.
Just thought of another point. DX and OGL aren't even comparable. DX is a collection of libs for input, sound, networking, and graphics while OGL is just graphics. That is like doing Apples v Oranges.
Last edited on Jul 14, 2013 at 1:29am by closed account z6A9GNh0
Because, of course you can compare Apples and Oranges, but they are still completely different. Same with DX and OGL. DX is a library that incorporates Networking, Input, Graphics, and Sound into one location. OGL is just a graphics library. Comparing a library with everything and a lib that does only one thing is a lop-sided comparison and unfair. It would be better comparing DX and SFML as they have Networking, Graphics, Sound, and Input.