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Food thread

Pages: 123
Jun 19, 2013 at 3:16am
Everyone likes food, so here's a thread about it.

I like to cook, and I like to try things from other countries, so since we have people from a variety of different countries here, I'd like to hear about your favourite foods from your country or culture.

England has no good original food, so I'm going to defer to people from countries that do. Bonus points for things that are less well-known around the world.
Jun 19, 2013 at 4:09am
I'm a very picky eater trying to broaden my taste, but I've found that I really enjoy simple foods. Burritos with beans only, fish with only one seasoning, PB&J classic style, cheeseburgers with only ketchup, etc. - I can't really enjoy complex flavors, unfortunately.
Jun 19, 2013 at 4:21am
Peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwiches; simple, unhealthy and amazing. Murrica. I'm pretty boring in terms of what I can cook and normally eat, but I do love trying new things.
Jun 19, 2013 at 5:59am
closed account (o1vk4iN6)
Any sort of spicy chilli is good. Irish stew is also amazing, basically stew cooked in Irish beer. Pulled Pork slow cooked in root beer, that shits good. Lemon meringue pie. Always forget which foods I thought were good as I only eat them on occasion.
Jun 19, 2013 at 7:04am
I'll eat just about anything you can put on a plate(or anything else that someones deemed worthy enough to eat off). I'm very fond of any kind spicy food including chilli and wasabi. As for cultural food, kangaroo is the obvious choice, it's great as a steak, in pies, with spag and just about anywhere else you can put beef.
Jun 19, 2013 at 8:33am
I have been hoping for a food thread, I would have started one on my own but I was thinking more on the lines of nutrition, however even though i worked in lots of kitchens i never developed an ability to appreciate "complex flavours" (i love crispy chicken and bbq sauce wit f loads of mayo)

Im into dolmadas at the moment, theres hot weather and they are refreshing little meditteranian things, you dont get sick of them either, i have also been eating really good ravioli check this out;

get some fresh pasta sheets, some chorizo and garden peas, mach the chorizo wiv da peas, pop it in little stamped out pasta circles, seal it wiv olive oil, and pop it in a pan of salty boiling water for bout 2 mins (maybe steam them if they fall apart)--thas good and easy too like wam bam.

I also like to cook chanterelle mushrooms in a white wine cream shallot and gruer cheese sauce, ask me for help cooking if your planning something special i ran kitchens by shouting at people telling them what to do, im sure i could tell you in type

Did you know different people taste different things slightly differently!
descriptions on the backs of wine bottles only suit 1 in a category of 8 different tasters! the radio is good for food discussion on food and drink radio 4 they were talking about introducing a number system and a test!

however theres no such thing as having a developed pallete its a total myth for pretentiousness and marketing, its down to attitude, for example; 85% dark chocolate is bitter however you are tasting the coco and not the sugar, meditate on the dark chocolate for a while and you will look for milk chocolate bars which actually taste of chocolate in future (but in america its pointless you dont have chocolate you have filth and clay with chocolate flavourings)

I believe theres a lot of pretentiousness and tradition in food, caviar is just about a texture you couldnt appreciate unless you were rich, there realy isnt anything more than salty fishyness with a peppery taste, recently the queens chef found out he was using cheap caviar in the wrong tins for years! no one noticed.

england has no original food
<-this is not true, theres soo much you dont know, especially the provinces of the UK

bara-breeth, lava bread, firemans blanket, boiled lambs head etc, then theres pastry, and things like game and rabbit dishes, give me a pigeon breast and i will make you food cum


Last edited on Jun 19, 2013 at 8:39am
Jun 19, 2013 at 8:39am
I tend to not have many unique dishes, but there is one that I know is a very cultural one: flapper pie. It's a custard pie that is absolutely amazing. As for other foods with strong cultural backgrounds... well, usually the food I eat is rather generic. I would love to eat more culturally-rooted foods, but I can make do with what I have right now. Besides, that is what free time and a nearby grocery store are for.
Jun 19, 2013 at 1:09pm
After a long time, I ate some Sauerkraut (sour cabbage). It was a nice break from rice and pasta.
Also like varenyky with potato, ricotta and cheese as filling. A lengthy process, so I don't do it often.

Soon I would return home, then could have some solid soup
Jun 19, 2013 at 1:18pm
I've done a fair share of travelling for my age (England, France x4, Italy). I've gotta say the ice cream over there blew my mind. It was magnitudes better than anything in the US, and I don't even know why.

I enjoyed eating escargot, croque monsieurs, veal (surprisingly), and probably others that I can't remember.

Italy had awesome pizza. I had some spicy salami pizza once there and it was fantastic. I could have lived off that.

I don't remember much of English food, but I did have fish and chips just because.

I'm a picky eater though. Favorite food has to be wings from Buffalo Wild Wings.
Jun 19, 2013 at 3:16pm
english food is pretty good now, we are adapting, its the french that wont change so maybe one day our reputation will be better (long after our food is)
Jun 19, 2013 at 3:16pm
Lachlan Easton wrote:
As for cultural food, kangaroo is the obvious choice

Is this some kind of Australian joke like drop bears?

ResidentBiscuit wrote:
It was magnitudes better than anything in the US, and I don't even know why

It was probably made with real cream.

I do like fish and chips, but it's a bit of a lame cultural dish. Most good English food is desserts, which I don't really eat, or simple stuff like bacon rolls which aren't very unique.
Jun 19, 2013 at 4:03pm
closed account (N36fSL3A)
parma ham
Jun 19, 2013 at 4:19pm
chrisname wrote:
Is this some kind of Australian joke like drop bears?

+1 that you even know about drop bears :-)

I am in Australia too, we can get Kangaroo meat at the supermarket, specialist places also provide Crocodile and Emu. Happily not Koala or Wombat AFAIK. Kangaroos are actually a pest in some areas, sometimes I wonder why they don't give up on the Cattle & Sheep & farm the Kangaroos instead.

The best Kangaroo I have ever had was in Newman (In the middle of Western Australia - OutBack) - they didn't provide a steak knife because you didn't need one. I don't know how they prepared it, but it was so tender that an ordinary knife seemed to fall straight through.
Jun 19, 2013 at 4:52pm
So you guys actually eat kangaroos? Huh. I didn't know that. My dad used to live in Australia, in a place called Booragul in NSW. What does it taste like? If I ever come across some, I'll try it.
Jun 19, 2013 at 5:04pm
i heard that if macdonalds served roo burgers instead of cow/zeebu then they could produce many times more more efficiently and also on less land on top, it sounds like we should be pushing them on people, a south african butchers nearby sells roo, zebra and snake snakes!

I try to limit meat especially pork, its not really that good for you but does make a dish a lot more interesting, i couldnt be a veggie no way.

Jun 19, 2013 at 5:42pm
I try to eat more fish rather than meat.
Jun 20, 2013 at 2:54am
Speaking of dropbears and food, my aunt once convinced some tourists that we only eat Vegemite to stop drop bear attacks because they hate the smell, but if you really can't stand the flavor you can get away with just spreading some behind your ears. Of course that's ridiculous, we eat Vegemite because of it tastes great, spreading it behind your ears is less of a dropbear deterrent than crapping your pants.
Jun 20, 2013 at 9:52am
in the uk we call it marmite, people either love it or hate it, so the marketting goes, i prefer Bovril paste
Jun 22, 2013 at 4:19am
I don't understand how fugu originates.
¿why expend so many resources to make it edible?
Jun 22, 2013 at 4:30am
closed account (N36fSL3A)
Anyone like pate or johnnycake?
Pages: 123