Jobs - 2015 archive (Page 6)

Please help in the project solution
Object Oriented Programming (45111) Course Project The task: Implement a program that simulates th...
[6 replies] Last: If you're having trouble understanding and using classes, I'd be happy... (by Little Captain)
Senior C++ Developer for Media Group in Zürich - Switzerland wanted. Visa sponsorship
About the Job An excellent opportunity for a self-motivated technically adept Senior Software Devel...
[1 reply] : I don't understand the kind of bullshit job you're offering, this post... (by OxBADC0DE)
Linux Developer
Looking for a full-time/perm hire for Linux Developer with concentration in VoIP/SIP Must have stro...
[no replies]
ARM Firmware Developer
Looking for an ARM firmware developer (C++) Must have strong C++ skills Experience with ARM platfo...
[no replies]
C++ Developer for facial recognition software in Dresden / Germany wanted (m/f) - visa sponsorship.
The software engineer will develop face recognition applications across multiple platforms. This inc...
[no replies]
Senior Software Engineer at Proprietary Trading Firm in Chicago, IL
Title: Senior Software Engineer Description: As Senior Software Engineer, you will join our interdi...
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F-Secure is seeking to hire a Lead Software Engineer for SAFE in Helsinki, Finland
We are looking for an experienced software engineer for our multi-device and multi-user security o...
[no replies]
Creating an operating system. Need a team on devs.
I'm creating a new computer company and i need a team of developers to make an operating system for ...
[1 reply] : This should be in the Jobs section. Please edit your post and move it ... (by giblit)
Looking for C++ Developer position in London, UK
Hi I'm looking for a (senior) C++ Developer position in central or west London, UK. My core skill ...
[1 reply] : Andy i work for a global financial services company and i run the rea... (by Jordanv)
Intermediate level Radar Engineer Ypsilanti, Michigan
MDA Information Systems LLC has an immediate opening for an Intermediate Radar Engineer. The positi...
[no replies]
what to do
Write your question here. iostream cstdlib vector algorithm iterator list numeric math.h ...
[10 replies] Last: struct parzyste {static int i int operator()() i=i+2 return i } struct... (by ragnat111)
C++ Software Developer (Columbus, OH)
Contact: Emily with Scope Group Software Developer (C++) will support a F...
[no replies]
C++ Core Platform Developer
Please contact Michael at: if interested I’m working directly with ...
[1 reply] : Would it be acceptable to come to NY for few months and then go back t... (by remotedevelopers)
C++ programers needed Excellent pay
We are looking for a highly skilled programmer with a minimum of 7-10 years experience in the follow...
[1 reply] : Hi there, My buddies and I are looking to resign from work for big mu... (by remotedevelopers)
$200 for a shuffle algorithm in c++
Go here,,15547.0.html/?r=newmine , and message "Bytemaster...
[no replies]
Software Engineer Ypsilanti, Michigan
MDA Information Systems LLC is hiring top-notch software engineers to help build the cutting-edg...
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Junior Software Engineer Ypsilanti, Michigan
MDA Information Systems LLC is looking for a Junior Software Engineer in our Ypsilanti, MI locat...
[no replies]
Software Engineer - Java Developer Ypsilanti, Michigan
MDA Information Systems LLC is looking for a Software Engineer - Java Developer in our Ypsilanti, MI...
[no replies]
Software Engineer - Database Developer Ypsilanti, Michigan
MDA Information Systems LLC is looking for a Software Engineer - Database Developer in our Ypsilanti...
[no replies]
Excellent pay for skilled C++ programers
We are looking for a highly skilled programmer with a minimum of 7-10 years experience in the follow...
[no replies]
Year 2015 Pages: 1... 45678... 10
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