Jobs - 2015 archive (Page 4)

Electric engineers with strong C++ background needed
EXCELLENT PAY. REQUIRED SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE • Strong professional experience with parallel progra...
[no replies]
Senior C++ Developer
Position: Senior C++ Developer Location: Manhattan, NY Salary: Very generous compensation package/...
[no replies]
C++ Jobs
I have been studying c++ in my uni for 2 years now, in various subjects, from Security, Databases, S...
[2 replies] Last: The best thing you can do is to keep learning. Get as many languages u... (by asheen)
C++ Engineer Opening,Boulder, Colorado
Job Description We are looking for a C++ developer responsible for building applications that may...
[1 reply] : hi i have 12 years of experience in c++ and currently located in india... (by CppPgmr)
by jwtko
Contract in San Diego
Hello, This is a contract position in San Diego that is open to be extended multiple times. Here ...
[no replies]
by GOGcom
Senior Rendering Engineer
As you may know, is more than just a place to buy games. Aside from our vast catalogue of PC...
[no replies]
Programmer. Course Projects, Tasks, C, C++
Hello, I offer my services as a programmer in C and C + +, Project Course, Task. Tale of experience ...
[no replies]
C++ Software Dev Role in Berlin
C++ Software Developer Seeking an experienced Freelance C++ specialist on behalf of a leading Euro...
[2 replies] Last: Hello Contact me if the post is still open. i have 8 years of experien... (by codeboy101)
by MSCweb
NIH_Research C/C++ Software Engineer
Medical Science & Computing, Inc. (MSC) is a small business, dedicated to providing scientific a...
[1 reply] : Hi, I have around 12 Years of Experience in C++ and looking to work as... (by CppPgmr)
C/C++ embedded Developer
Dear All, I am a recruiter (headhunter) from Poland. With regard to ongoing recruitment process f...
[no replies]
C++ tutoring help
Hello everyone, I am in my second C++ programming class. This class is really condensed and fast pac...
[6 replies] Last: Can you contact me by Skype?? Mark.vosgueritchian Or email cubical762... (by MarkV)
Electric Engineers with C++
Excellent pay and compensation for highly skilled programmers with a minimum of 7-10 years experien...
[no replies]
Senior C++ Software Engineer at Proprietary Trading Firm in Chicago, IL
Title: Senior Software Engineer Description: As Senior Software Engineer, you will join our int...
[no replies]
coding for the reversi
anyone can guide me how to display the reversi board?
[6 replies] Last: i have designed the board ,the play game part i need some help (by mike9407)
Team Needed For Next Great App
Hello, my name is Dustin. I am looking to put together a team to build an app for mobile devices. Th...
[2 replies] Last: U can clear your ideas related to any profession? If related to footba... (by danga)
Systems Software Principal Engineer (C++, Polyglot) - in greater Baltimore, MD area
Our company is looking to hire someone in the above field. See below our job description and link t...
[no replies]
Software developer Bayreuth, Germany
anybody interested in a full time job as a programmer in Bayreuth, Germany? Send me your contact D...
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Forex Signal
We provide 100% profitable forex signals with guaranteed. WE ARE PROVIDE TWO TIMES FOREX SIGNA...
[no replies]
C++ Developer (C++ back end, JS Front end) - New York based - Perm role
Hi, I'm a recruiter with a London based, but international placing, tech recruitment firm; (we ar...
[1 reply] : Thanks for sharing. I would like to apply. Will forward my resume. I h... (by Jimmy09)
by Sireen
C++ Linux Developers
Hiring C++ Linux Developers for our direct client Location: Santa Clara, CA , United States R...
[4 replies] Last: I am intrested in this job. I have 10 year experience in c++. I want t... (by Jimmy09)
Year 2015 Pages: 123456... 10
  Archived years: [2014 archive] [2016 archive]

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