by msb5492
Looking for C++ Experience
[11 replies] Last: (by kevindperera6)
by johnsnow
C++ programmer looking for work
[9 replies] Last: added the payment methods (by johnsnow)
by Christian121
C++ Beginner Project. (1,2)
[20 replies] Last: The joke is still ill thought out, yes he is trying to lose as much mo... (by BHX)
[Vietnam] Java Software Engineer (SE & SSE) @KMS Technology |
[no replies]
by kdsjob
High Peformance Database Software Engineer
[no replies]
[Vietnam] SharePoint Developer (SE & SSE) @KMS Technology |
[no replies]
[Vietnam] Senior C++ Developer @KMS Technology |
[no replies]
by FirstTime
LF a Programer
[1 reply] : So you want us to give you code for you to claim is yours? I'm in! Sen... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
by Jane J
Looking for a tutor for free.. me too!
[3 replies] Last: Oh, that's my mistake. I'm sorry and thank you letting me know! (by Jane J)
by MarkusL
Convert Unicode to Multibyte project
[2 replies] Last: Hi, I can do it, can you PM me. If you want me to take this job. (by closed account 13bSLyTq)
by skaush
C++ Programmierer gesucht
[no replies]
by matterwin
Game Server Development!
[3 replies] Last: Add me on skype, and I will give you the information. it's an emulated... (by matterwin)
by jrlittle86
Convert C++/C# SDK to Activex or Something Usable by VB.Net
[no replies]
by dts
Senior Software Engineer
[4 replies] Last: Hahaha :) (by mutexe)
by dts
Senior Software Engineer (Mobile) - San Diego
[no replies]
by dts
Quality Assurance Engineer
[no replies]
by dts
Senior Software Engineer - Santa Ana, CA
[no replies]
by dts
Principal Software Architect
[no replies]
by JasonS5555
C++ programmer needed
[4 replies] Last: Ah, initially something simple would be ok, but ultimately I need it t... (by JasonS5555)
by Loktd
Looking for a tutor for free
[3 replies] Last: We have a skype group about 20-30 programmers. I think you can learn f... (by closed account 1v5E3TCk)