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Need coder to create simple program

Apr 1, 2016 at 10:03pm
Hi all.

My name is Bart and im very active trader of bitcoins on localbitcoins, paxful etc.

After carefull considering all pros and cons i made decison that i need bot to adjust price of my sale ad.

Basically i need someone who can made for me bot :

1. Log in to my account on localbitcoin.com
2. search through page xxx.com/xxx
3. pick the highest price
4. adjust my ad with price to be lower x ( this must be set by me) then the lowest on that page in point 2
5. repeat that every x minutes (api on loclabitcoins is slow so i need

Not sure if not better have that in visual basic.

Please let me know if this is possible to do and how much would it cost.

api from locabitcoins can be found: https://localbitcoins.com/api-docs/

not sure about login in but i think most of this can be done through api.
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