program for a toy

Hi! I'd like to start out by saying I'm not offering any money for this job.
I'm just posting this if someone is bored and really want to try make something fun :)

It should be a simple task in my opinion, but i can't figure out how to do it myself.

So I am making this Toy. (A prototype of the box)
It's going to be pretty similar to guitar hero, i guess you could say. There are 9 led lights (3 red, 3 yellow and 3 green), 3 buttons, a LCD screen to display a score and misses ( in form of life and 1-2 speakers to play a melody.

The code is going to work on this board, and power will be controlled by a selfmade switch. So thats not an issue, i just need the code. (program for this board can be found on the website)

The box is going to light up the red led light first, the make its way down to the green light, thats when you press the button to gain a point, if you miss it you lose a life. (a red yellow and green led light i linked to 1 button). Preferable the code should be made simple to edit, to add / replace a song etc. I know how to edit codes, just not create them. Also so that i can make the led light up to match the melody. Would like a multiplier system to increase score gain, and possibly give you a life when you hit x50 or something similar.

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