My name is Kevin Tindall, and I am searching for a full-time job as a programmer. I recently graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I would prefer to be able to work over the internet if the office is not close enough to my home state of Tennessee, but depending on the offer I would be willing to relocate to a large city. I would be very flexible on selecting hours to work every week. I am also willing to work on weekends and all holidays except Christmas (I do like visiting my family every year). I would be more than happy to start at just $50k a year as well. PM me or post on here if you would be interested in a copy of my resume. Languages that I am familiar with are all listed on my profile here
My strongest language would be C++ or Java since these languages are what my university taught me. My favorite language at the moment is J which is an ASCII version of APL
Thanks for your time. I do look forward to hearing from any employers that are interested.