Anyone Tutoring for Free ?

Pages: 12
Hello , I'm new in C++ and it's a little bit hard for me sometimes. Is there a possibility that anyone could teach me for free ?
I can teach you basics but basics only
Or you could join the C++ Skype Group I'm in, there are lots of pros there who help the fresh ones
closed account (o3hC5Di1)
Hi there,

Feel free to ask any questions you have in the Beginners section of this forum. Response is usually relatively fast and it's entirely free of charge. Just make sure to make your questions as specific and clear as possible.

On a sidenote - Is that a Gaelic nickname?

All the best,
The name is Scottish :)
How can i join C++ Skype Group where cause i dont know ..
closed account (jwkNwA7f)
I'm in the same group. What's your skype name?

EDIT: You can just PM me or post it here.
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sacrieru.mircea is my Skype ID
closed account (jwkNwA7f)
Request sent.
retsgorf pm me your Skype name to see if you are in the same group as me
How many are in the skype group?
closed account (jwkNwA7f)
Can you add me to the skype group please! My skype name is joeyeld7.
closed account (jwkNwA7f)
closed account (jwkNwA7f)
Can u enable PM's?

EDIT: I can't find u on skype.
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Add me in the C++ Skype Group!! ngladfelter
I can also help basics..................or in higer level too..........
sorry my skype name was joeyeld
Hello can you guys add me to the skype group also my name is cvarter51
Could you please add me too? grandegrande84.
closed account (jwkNwA7f)
Requests sent!

Sorry for the delay.
Pages: 12