
Will Someone Be Able To volunteer To Help Me Learn C++.


closed account (G309216C)

Please give us more detail on how much you willing to pay. Other Requirements.

closed account (N36fSL3A)
I think that would be


SpaceWorm he said VOLUNTEER
Last edited on by Fredbill30
closed account (G309216C)
oh sorry I was mistaken. LOL bringing it back to life now.

LOL (POST 123)
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Maybe I can.
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a volunteer master is hard to find. i am a beginner, and i think u are also one. we can share each others info.s and supplies if you like. i need to say that i am a real beginner. i still use using namespace std; before main. i still dont know why people don't use it lol. however i am willing to improve myself at summer after a fresh and empty 2 weeks. if u are intrested, pm me and we ll add each other on facebook or sth. maybe we will start a competition between us to make things more fun:)
closed account (N36fSL3A)
I think he found a tutor you know.

People don't use "using namespace std;" because if you make a variable, object or function names cout or fstream then you get a compilation error.
closed account (jyU4izwU)
i think so too
Please use using namespace std; unless you are using a 3rd party library that has foolishly used the same name as the standard library.
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closed account (G309216C)

using namespaces will increase the application size, it will bloat the hell out of it. It is good to keep away from using namespace std when programming console applications unless you are using more than half of the namespace apart from that keep away from that.
AlitCandle wrote:
Please use using namespace std; unless you are using a 3rd party library that has foolishly used the same name as the standard library.

This is bad advice.

There are many generic names in the std namespace (such as "count") which are very prone to have conflicts. Remember that when you do using namespace std you get everything in the namespace, even stuff you didn't know about.

The whole point of having it separated into another namespace is to avoid name collisions. By grabbing the entire namespace you undo that entirely.

For small projects it's fine, but I wouldn't make a habit out of it.

SpaceWorm wrote:
using namespaces will increase the application size, it will bloat the hell out of it

This is not true at all.
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closed account (N36fSL3A)
Alit I don't think you need to learn to use
std::cout << "You should change your bad practices";
// or
using std::cout;

EDIT: Lol typo
Last edited on by Fredbill30
closed account (G309216C)
Well maybe not bloat it too much but will increase the size and why use whole namespace when you need 1 or 2 of the actual namespace calls.
SpaceWorm wrote:
Well maybe not bloat it too much but will increase the size

No. It will not make any difference at all. The code will compile to the exact same thing regardless of whether you use using namespace std; or not. It's purely a style/organizational thing.

SpaceWorm wrote:
why use whole namespace when you need 1 or 2 of the actual namespace calls.

I agree with you here.
closed account (G309216C)
Disch, I finally resolved my issue. You are right the binary does not bloat. I never use namespaces never even used it when learning basics so I did not research much into it. I never use namespaces even in large projects. I assumed using namespace was like importing a library in java\python.

I do not program both the languages but my friend told me so I assumed the same.

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