[8 replies] Last: Sorry for the late reply.Thank you for your idea ,Jonnin. Well, the pr... (by DNA WARLOCK)
by TerryG
C4430 error building DLL
[4 replies] Last: Sorry, it didn't. It had: using std::string (by TerryG)
by julie2019
Vehicle Control Software
[1 reply] : Relevant and interesting site, but this ought to be posted in Lounge. (by kbw)
by altbrian
Help! Fixing missing ")"
[3 replies] Last: @coder777: see (If State... (by ne555)
by Cambalinho
how print enums?
[5 replies] Last: thank you so much for all you make work contracts("Disclaimer: ...." w... (by Cambalinho)
by Ganado
How does a debugger break code?
[4 replies] Last: Ah, that must be what the "Debug programs" privilege in User Rights Ma... (by Ganado)
by abcdef123
Appending a dynamic array
[6 replies] Last: and then you need to work with two vectors and the global code crumble... (by ne555)
by Jdog17
Error Reading Characters of String
[3 replies] Last: Each operator, like ==, has to be defined for its operands and no such... (by lastchance)
by Duthomhas
Adding vectors and applying rotation matrix using quaternion
[2 replies] Last: Spam cross posting: (by deleted account xyzzy)
by armaniIU
2d Vector with text file
[1 reply] : show us what isn't working? (by jonnin)
by ajowen30
Create a program that prints a 20 by 20 block. Print "[ ]" for an open space. Print [X] for closed space
[2 replies] Last: Flatten your array to 20x20=400 positions. Choose, by random selection... (by lastchance)
by oenigmaa
Picking random chars from char array?
[8 replies] Last: It looks to me like you trying to simulate the game Boggle . The sug... (by doug4)
by HSafy
is there a built in method for detecting outliers ? (1,2)
[37 replies] Last: Right, don't do anything until you fill the buffer is one approach. I... (by jonnin)
by dbdcd
Expected unqualified-id error on "for" loop line
[5 replies] Last: I clicked on the code thing in the format section but it did nothing... (by Ganado)
1d and 2d dynamic arrays |
[8 replies] Last: Ah, thank-you for the explanation, @coder777. (by lastchance)
My application stopps working beacuse map loader. |
[1 reply] : You allocated space for a 30x30 array, but you're trying to access map... (by Ganado)
by MazeStuck
I have the following error.
[1 reply] : PLEASE, do not double post. (by deleted account xyzzy)
by MazeStuck
I have the following error.
[3 replies] Last: PLEASE, do not double-post. (by deleted account xyzzy)
by vaderboi
If dynamic memory is deallocated when program terminates, what is the point of destructors?
[12 replies] Last: @Niccolo- Actually you answered my question quite well by essentially ... (by vaderboi)
by VMsrVT2Tyc
Advice on IPC
[3 replies] Last: I decided to use UNIX Domain Sockets to send messages across two progr... (by VMsrVT2Tyc)