by kit2kay
read data functions
[1 reply] : the first thing to do when getting help is to at least give a program ... (by jonnin)
by caiitys
How do I implement a random value in a method using pointers..
[2 replies] Last: @caiitys, A couple of things unrelated to your question. First, your... (by doug4)
by julie2019
Commodore 64 and Tilt Five AR
[1 reply] : Nah, that's not spam. It might have some comercial stuff, but why not.... (by coder777)
by W1743625
How do I switch program to use a txt file??
[3 replies] Last: thanks jonnin for the advice i will give it a shot (by W1743625)
by Depressed
Infinite loop by input validation
[1 reply] : Separate your input and your drawing by using functions. Otherwise you... (by lastchance)
by CPPLearner7
Creating a toolbar with icons
[7 replies] Last: If you do get a copy of Petzold's Programming Windows Fifth Edition (h... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by OlaveraLuffy
Linked List HELP!!
[1 reply] : Also here -> (by salem c)
by petervu1999
Cant understand error
[2 replies] Last: PLEASE USE CODE TAGS. The constructor you declare in the header file ... (by lastchance)
by Depressed
Need help making input validation work
[2 replies] Last: To see if there were more replies that could help me solve this proble... (by Depressed)
by Cambalinho
how concatenate strings
[5 replies] Last: thank you so much for all... it's working like i need (by Cambalinho)
by Cambalinho
how print in same column?
[15 replies] Last: Turbo C++ was designed to work on an entirely different system. It was... (by Duthomhas)
by kitfox
How to adapt a lookup to use smart pointers?
[6 replies] Last: @JLBorges Isn't kind of fun when people try to turn C++ syntax into C#... (by malibor)
by Depressed
Need Help on making a rectangle with user input using two differenct characters
[1 reply] : Asked and answered here -> (by salem c)
by poobear
I can't get the loops right. It does it a different way every time & i need to add a third loop if they input invalid miles.
[1 reply] : help us help you. explain exactly what you need. use code tags. yo... (by jonnin)
Calculating the area of a triangle |
[3 replies] Last: Here is a one line method to calculate area of triangle from my projec... (by malibor)
by marhuum
Can we change the value content of a enum
[1 reply] : // each enumerator like RED or GREEN is a named constant; // its valu... (by JLBorges)
by Ford1400
Using setprecision() with fout
[2 replies] Last: @jlb That was it! I added fixed and it did the output correctly. Tha... (by Ford1400)
by Aneiron
Error with switch statement
[5 replies] Last: Thank you! (by Aneiron)
by madmat276
[1 reply] : Probably not. But if you get stuck somewhere you can ask a specific ... (by zapshe)
by poobear
This is as far as I can make it. Can anyone tell me exactly where I'm going wrong.
[3 replies] Last: Thank you so much! I'm a beginner and we are just learning functions. ... (by poobear)