General C++ Programming - October 2019 (Page 2)

Hey guys, So something I have been using for quite a while but I don't really know the nuances of...
[9 replies] Last: Second, it appears you are confusing classes and objects. And STDIN,... (by jlb)
Structures Problem
I need help with the following question: Design a structure Student containing the following member...
[1 reply] : Your 'Student' array lives in main(), so create and populate your arra... (by Computergeek01)
inheritance and pointers
I've written 2 classes that inherit from another class, and written a class that has an array of poi...
[1 reply] : Instead of *(animal + i) you can simply write animal . It's an arr... (by coder777)
Guaranteeing the variable is correctly initialized dynamically
How do we check/guarantee the variable is dynamically initialized correctly in runtime before its fi...
[1 reply] : That's what a constructor is for. (by kbw)
Hey guys, so 2nd question of the day and sticking to the common theme of I/O, why does cout and c...
[2 replies] Last: True FurryGuy, I always do research and look for the answer before pos... (by adam2016)
Refactor by removing nested for loop
This simulation is given finding the minimum numbers of patrollers, given patroller's coverage and p...
[1 reply] : Not exactly sure what the code is supposed to do. Some additional com... (by doug4)
Loops and Grades Chapter 7 stretch C++ HELP PLEASE
In this problem, you will be prompting a student for grades and credits for courses taken. From that...
[2 replies] Last: please use code tags and put your question at the top, not hidden in c... (by jonnin)
Memory Access Error - What to do?
Hey there :) I am trying to write a programm finding vectorial (3 component) zeros of the Pfaffian...
[2 replies] Last: just about every line of that code is hitting an array with an index. ... (by jonnin)
Best practice for creational design patterns in C++
Dear experts, I wonder if there is some best practices to generate objects which has complexity (...
[1 reply] : You could start by looking at "design patterns". (by kbw)
by joshp
Coin Flip (heads and tails display)
Hi, for my assignment I'm trying to output the users requested coin toss amount and then give them t...
[1 reply] : You need to count home many heads and how many tails you get. You hav... (by kbw)
Design for functional programming in C++
Dear experts, In C++11, std::function & std::bind were introduced, which open the door to make us...
[1 reply] : You could take a look at Ivan Čukić's book, Functional Programming i... (by kbw)
dice game
Write a C++ program to implement a three-player dice game with the following rules: 1. Begin with P...
[6 replies] Last: you are misreading it, or, winner may be poorly described or flat out ... (by jonnin)
object self-destruction
hi everyone, i´m asking myself if it is allowed to let an object self-destruct. take a look at thi...
[5 replies] Last: (either a reference or a pointer) Pointer. Named this . It's actua... (by Repeater)
Change to numbers
One day, Jojo wants to send a secret message to his friend. Jojo has a sentence consists of alphabet...
[6 replies] Last: we do not mind to help C (esp simple questions), but we get a lot of p... (by jonnin)
can anyone do this for me as im a beginner
Create a Class named GradeMethod, which consists of the following functions: string Marks(int mar...
[3 replies] Last: why is there no c+ and what does the moron who scores a 50 because he ... (by jonnin)
Boost::Serialization Help
Hi! I'm using Boost Serialization (
[3 replies] Last: For posterity, It's worth noting that I think I figured it out. Boosts... (by Aaron Vienneau)
Error when I try to call the display function. The comment about it is toward the end of the program.
/* Lab Lesson 7 Part 1/2 Write a program for the hypothetical Acme Wholesale Copper Wire Company...
[3 replies] Last: Your display function is contracted to have 8 parameters passed, not 5... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Error in linked list template class
class Node { public: Node(); void insertnode(int data); void deletenode(int index);...
[3 replies] Last: I never used the keyword "using" except for using namespace std; htt... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Tool to analyse, parse then build a rough draft or fine diagram of functions' interrelation
Is there a program or software to analyse, parse then build a rough scheme/draft or fine diagram of ...
[3 replies] Last: You could look at Doxygen Profiler, like gprof... (by keskiverto)
Grading papers
Hello I have a new question: I just started a 2nd level C++ class and we have an assignment. Grading...
[9 replies] Last: does it calculate and present the quiz grade? The code doesn't do mu... (by zapshe)
October 2019 Pages: 1234... 10
  Archived months: [sep2019] [nov2019]

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