General C++ Programming - October 2018 (Page 6)

by volang
Receive "at char" as "@" instead of "%40"
When I submit a html form that contains this char ( @ ), the server receives "%40" instead. Can I...
[1 reply] : That's the way it is supposed to work. You need to url-decode the stri... (by Duthomhas)
by cmisip
Building a fast "blobbing" algorithm
I am trying to put together an algorithm for sorting data into containers. Basically, a video frame...
[15 replies] Last: explain your implementation My naive implementation is the code in... (by cmisip)
How do I make this for loop work
So I've been messing with this code for a while trying to insert an integer into a list with a funct...
[1 reply] : Maybe something like this. #include <iostream> using namespace std;... (by tpb)
Each student now has 3 raw scores from 3 exams, and their corresponding weights for grade are 30%, ...
[1 reply] : I need to change the array into a vector Student s ; becomes std... (by Repeater)
How to build a program with SDL2
I have a program which works fine on my computer which uses SDL2. If I send it to someone who has in...
[8 replies] Last: Well you are gonna need to figure it out yourself then. (by poteto)
by Trev
window not declared in this scope
Hi i'm useing windows 10 ,codeblocks 1712, sfml 5.2 and after 2 and a half weeks i finally have it w...
[4 replies] Last: I was really surprised when you said "SFML 5.2", but then realized you... (by Ganado)
program to ask for email and password
hi guys i am kinda new to programming i was thinking is there any way to make a program that asks fo...
[1 reply] : Sending emails requires an external library. Google for "sending email... (by Thomas1965)
KMP algorith with a vector
In the following program I have a three class hierarchy. Item is the base class and Product and Serv...
[1 reply] : Start by writing the KMP algorithm. Test it. Then call it with your ... (by dhayden)
by volang
Read from text file. Set position x y
I can not find anything about it, but I want to ask anyway. Is it possible to read a character f...
[4 replies] Last: If you are allowed to use std::vector you can read all the lines into ... (by Thomas1965)
by volang
Creating GET/POST arrays
Hello guys. PHP is built with C. How do they manage to create/deliver "GET" and "POST" variable-a...
[9 replies] Last: Allright. Thank you all. I appreciate it (by volang)
by ssol
split words in file by using getline
hello, I want to get words which are split by tab('\t') for example, Hi my name i...
[2 replies] Last: "It doesn't work" means nothing. The code you posted does exactly what... (by Duthomhas)
C++ input and strings
Hello everyone I am working on a project for my CS class and I am stuck on part of it. I am new to C...
[4 replies] Last: The purpose of assignments like this are to verify/enforce understandi... (by Duthomhas)
Std::bad_alloc on Windows 10 but not on Ubuntu
Machine: 32 GB RAM Intel i7-6700 @ 3.4 GHz I am streaming a text file into a vector with 52 doubl...
[15 replies] Last: You should only consider a different data structure if you need to fr... (by lumbeezl)
What is wrong with this metaprogram?
Hi, I have taken a metaprogram from a book and tried to make it work without success. I was wonde...
[7 replies] Last: Got it!! Thanks mbozzi! (by JUAN DENT)
Need some help debugging a program in C++
Hey all, I have been working on this practice program for my coms class and was having some trouble ...
[6 replies] Last: Checking all the failbits gives the same side effect of checking eof (... (by poteto)
Ignoring a value with a while statement
I am working on an assignment that revolves around calculating the average boxes a seller sells. ...
[2 replies] Last: While that would be correct, my assignment does ask for "appropriate w... (by altbrian)
Can anyone teach me how to code this program
Generate 20 random numbers using rand() built-in function and store them in 4x5 array. Ensure that ...
[2 replies] Last: sir,problem was that how to to pass 2D array which is created my smart... (by swahajali)
How to link 2 exe projects in visual studio
Hi, I am making a Game Engine which consists of 2 projects: 1. The editor project 2. The game loop...
[no replies]
Unknown errors in a class with multiple constructors and deep copying
Vector.h Vector.cpp ...
[1 reply] : please delete the duplicated post (by ne555)
Passing by reference issue
So I am attempting to make a sorting program using the QuickSort method. However I am passing a vect...
[3 replies] Last: I personally wouldn't use a stack. I would just code it recursively. U... (by tpb)
October 2018 Pages: 1... 45678... 10
  Archived months: [sep2018] [nov2018]

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