by w208395063
having problem with the this problem
[2 replies] Last: This is a duplicate of: (by MikeyBoy)
by geeloso
OOP statements without objects!!
[8 replies] Last: @geeloso I disagree. (by Repeater)
by primem0ver
Code Readability/Organization conventions versus standards
[17 replies] Last: [quote=Jaybob66]i always group members by feature That seems like a c... (by MikeyBoy)
by Usm6rn
Letter Count.txt
[3 replies] Last: Actually, you've ignored almost the entirety of my post, @Usm6rn. PU... (by lastchance)
Enumeration Philosophy |
[9 replies] Last: Thank you for confirming, what I should have already known. (by perezprograms)
by philip1999
Creating a grid with rows and columns using vectors
[4 replies] Last: Your vector stuff is local to the grid function. When you exit gri... (by doug4)
by benjm
Redrawing portions of ncurses window border
[1 reply] : Actually figured this out using mvwvline (win, line, winWidth- 1, ACS... (by benjm)
by sonia123
[2 replies] Last: @sonia123 Please specify your problem, as your description made no se... (by jjojehong)
by joaoeduardo
'std::bad_alloc' what(): std::bad_alloc
[1 reply] : Which line is the exception thrown from? (by Peter87)
by its0x99
Vector3 Class
[4 replies] Last: Now that we get there, this won't do what you probably expect it to do... (by keskiverto)
by rcx11
Coding convention: Repeat code, or highly specilized conditions
[2 replies] Last: Another possibility is to create a table class structure. Have a bas... (by doug4)
Custom Comparator for std::binary_search |
[2 replies] Last: You can even wrap your compare easily with a lambda: std::sort( vec.b... (by keskiverto)
by jgaskill2
Bonus Program
[2 replies] Last: 3. (by Syvel)
by adam2016
Collision detection problem
[5 replies] Last: Lets assume that one step (D) is 10 and wall-ball-distance < 5 is "col... (by keskiverto)
by bishoposiris
New Topic Screen broken for anyone else?
[6 replies] Last: I know code tags are <code> <\code> This forum uses BB Code, not H... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
I have a function that presumably leaks memory but I can't see where!
[5 replies] Last: sure: #include <iostream> #include <codecvt> #include <locale> #inclu... (by Cubbi)
by bigJoe561
Flight finder C++
[7 replies] Last: This fixed the data structure: f.vertices = cost; c.vertices ... (by bigJoe561)