by awsdert
FPN math bug
[1 reply] : Never mind, fixed the code like this: int_t alup__mul( alup_t _NUM, ... (by awsdert)
by grooviqw
Program to verify if odd numbers are equal with even numbers
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int main() { size_t num {}, cnt {}; std::co... (by seeplus)
by prabhgill
What output/approach is required for all testcases correct
[1 reply] : your code gives 1.75 instead of 1.5 for the first testcase (by ne555)
by grooviqw
program to display numbers from an interval
[2 replies] Last: thanks (by grooviqw)
by jcbthaname
Creating an array for my MADLIBS program
[1 reply] : The user should have each line displayed one at a time so they can en... (by seeplus)
by briancb2004
2d Array average not working?
[6 replies] Last: Thank you will try to remember that!!! (by briancb2004)
by grooviqw
Problems with a program, switch statement
[6 replies] Last: thank you (by grooviqw)
by awsdert
Can someone help me with FPN division please?
[8 replies] Last: About to start work so can't respond to any msgs but I mamged to fix t... (by awsdert)
How to take info from a text file and put it into a function and take the output and put it into a new file |
[3 replies] Last: Your read loop has an issue as eof() doesn't work the way you're think... (by seeplus)
by alexas
OpenMP break out of the task
[1 reply] : (by againtry)
by Awareness
Returning a bitmap from a video using JNI
[no replies]
by adam2016
Getting a Seg Fault
[2 replies] Last: ahh good point, I didn't even think of that as a possibility, seems t... (by adam2016)
by ssr02kk
Implementing 4 Way linked list including 4rows and 3 columns?
[1 reply] : Sure. Why not? (by doug4)
Matrix problem windows, c++, codeblocks, gnu gcc compiler |
[5 replies] Last: If you want to get really fancy you can overload std::ostream's opera... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by grooviqw
Who can help me with this program please :* (1,2)
[20 replies] Last: every loop can be every other loop. a while for loop looks like: for(... (by jonnin)
by onetwo123
File is like argument
[3 replies] Last: keskiverto // pass name T function( const std::string& filename ) { ... (by onetwo123)
by Mitsuru
Boost Serialization of base/derived class via BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_KEY/BOOST_CLASS_IMPLEMENTATION
[2 replies] Last: I apologize for my question that lacks in detail of code. But, I could... (by Mitsuru)
by mathman54
Problems with sfml
[5 replies] Last: (by againtry)
by Hanske
Serialize a derived class with constant members
[8 replies] Last: int const a = 0; const_cast<int&>(a) = 24; // wrong It is undefined... (by mbozzi)
by seba328
Usb serial interface
[2 replies] Last: you just treat them as you would any filesystem. There is nothing spe... (by jonnin)