General C++ Programming - November 2020 (Page 6)

FPN math bug
From Welp the new ...
[1 reply] : Never mind, fixed the code like this: int_t alup__mul( alup_t _NUM, ... (by awsdert)
Program to verify if odd numbers are equal with even numbers
A natural number x of maximum 9 digits is read from the keyboard. It is required to check whether ...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int main() { size_t num {}, cnt {}; std::co... (by seeplus)
What output/approach is required for all testcases correct
CREDIT SUISSE PROBLEM :: Whenever a company trades securities, there are various risks involved wit...
[1 reply] : your code gives 1.75 instead of 1.5 for the first testcase (by ne555)
program to display numbers from an interval
How can i create a program to display numbers from given interval cin>>a , cin>>b, with for loop?
[2 replies] Last: thanks (by grooviqw)
Creating an array for my MADLIBS program
Instructions: "The first line in the file contains how many questions or prompts there are for the p...
[1 reply] : The user should have each line displayed one at a time so they can en... (by seeplus)
2d Array average not working?
I can't figure out why I am getting ambiguous numbers on average and lowest numbers. I have no erro...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you will try to remember that!!! (by briancb2004)
Problems with a program, switch statement
Hi i made a program with switch, if i input a character to show me if is vowel or a consonant if is ...
[6 replies] Last: thank you (by grooviqw)
Can someone help me with FPN division please?
I'll start by referencing the original thread I posted this problem in https://cboard.cprogramming....
[8 replies] Last: About to start work so can't respond to any msgs but I mamged to fix t... (by awsdert)
How to take info from a text file and put it into a function and take the output and put it into a new file
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; float row...
[3 replies] Last: Your read loop has an issue as eof() doesn't work the way you're think... (by seeplus)
by alexas
OpenMP break out of the task
This place was so helpful so many times with c++, so I dare to ask a question about openmp just in c...
[1 reply] : (by againtry)
Returning a bitmap from a video using JNI
I am using the following code to return a bitmap from a video using jni then to display it using c+...
[no replies]
Getting a Seg Fault
Hey guys, I seem to be getting a seg fault from a short rudimentary C program, the program just con...
[2 replies] Last: ahh good point, I didn't even think of that as a possibility, seems t... (by adam2016)
Implementing 4 Way linked list including 4rows and 3 columns?
Can you guys please help me with 4 Way linked list including 4rows and 3 columns?
[1 reply] : Sure. Why not? (by doug4)
Matrix problem windows, c++, codeblocks, gnu gcc compiler
I haven't used C ++ for a while, today I started making a program with the matrix, but I have a prob...
[5 replies] Last: If you want to get really fancy you can overload std::ostream's opera... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Who can help me with this program please :* (1,2)
Compose a program that will determine all numbers of the form 2abac divisible by n, where n is a giv...
[20 replies] Last: every loop can be every other loop. a while for loop looks like: for(... (by jonnin)
File is like argument
I have the code and I need to file has been like argument of function: inputfile_to_vec...
[3 replies] Last: keskiverto // pass name T function( const std::string& filename ) { ... (by onetwo123)
Boost Serialization of base/derived class via BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_KEY/BOOST_CLASS_IMPLEMENTATION
Dear all I use boost::serialization, and am troubled with the below, well known, error occurs. > ...
[2 replies] Last: I apologize for my question that lacks in detail of code. But, I could... (by Mitsuru)
Problems with sfml
Hi All, I am a new programmer learning how to program in C++. Right now I have a simple program. ...
[5 replies] Last: (by againtry)
by Hanske
Serialize a derived class with constant members
Hello, I have an issue with trying to serialize const members of a derived class. I tried the soluti...
[8 replies] Last: int const a = 0; const_cast<int&>(a) = 24; // wrong It is undefined... (by mbozzi)
Usb serial interface
Hi , i have some usb sticks gives me some reading and how i want to read the data from a usb stick...
[2 replies] Last: you just treat them as you would any filesystem. There is nothing spe... (by jonnin)
November 2020 Pages: 1... 4567
  Archived months: [oct2020] [dec2020]

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