General C++ Programming - November 2018 (Page 8)

Very Hard Queries (Problem From Contest)
I need help in solving the following problem which was asked here -
[1 reply] : What kind of numbers have an odd number of divisors? If you're not sur... (by tpb)
by mearvk
Nana UI Library
Nana uses the basic_types.hpp for nana::rectangle and others. Trying to compile this into a libnana...
[8 replies] Last: We compiled the libnana.a via Netbeans 8.2. It does have references f... (by mearvk)
How to grab random line from a .txt file?
Hello there, I am struggling with figuring out how to grab a single line from a .txt file at random....
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the help! (by sankarl)
High performance parallel for as possible as standard
Dear experts, This is so basic question, so that I would appreciate it if you could answer to me....
[5 replies] Last: Dear JLBorges, Thank you for your reply. They seems so practical for... (by Mitsuru)
Audio Analyse library
Hi, i want to write an App for Android that can analyse Audio. There is no need for Speech recogn...
[5 replies] Last: I'd say fftw is easier to set up than ffmpeg Yeah, I absolutely agre... (by mbozzi)
Im having trouble getting my program to rerun an insert function. cout << "Enter the coefficie...
[1 reply] : Your condition is NOT C AND NOT P. (where C means c == 0 and P means ... (by tpb)
USB Passcode
I was wondering how to make a program that when I plug in my USB drive the console then spits out a ...
[2 replies] Last: I am using windows 10, with visual studio 2017 community. (by Dawsoncodes)
Can functions be applied in this scenario?
Hello! Is there any way to make one small function out of all of the cases inside case 2 to make the...
[3 replies] Last: Some functions always return a value. Other functions return no value ... (by keskiverto)
[7 replies] Last: as I got it, use string then you will not face such issues. (by divya123divya)
//*PS. MY CODE WASNT THAT FINISH YET IN MENU OF B,C, AND D*// #include <iostream> #include <strin...
[1 reply] : 1. Use [co de] tags when you post code (see the <> icon on the right... (by salem c)
by libi
error check
I am calculating a full expression regardless of spaces. So I have a program that accepts a string e...
[2 replies] Last: ahh I see! I missed that. Just took it out and replaced it with for(... (by libi)
by stav
Threads not executing
Hi, im learning about c++11 multithreading and i tried writing a threadpool class that just creates ...
[2 replies] Last: oh my god.. thank alot haha (by stav)
Hash funciton
I wrote this code to for HW. I'm supposed to do a hash function and display information about the se...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks, guys, not only for telling me what was the issue but also for ... (by MrRobot)
by mbozzi
What's (probably) in C++20: San Diego Trip Report
The recent ISO C++ committee meeting in San Diego ended yesterday, and marks the C++2a feature freez...
[1 reply] : Here's hoping modules make it to C++20. Visual Studio 2017 has modu... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
adding letters randomly into an array
How do I add letters from A-Y in random places in a 2d array that has 50 columns and 10 rows? voi...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <random> #include <alg... (by JLBorges)
by volang
Hello guys! I have a table with two columns and 150 000 000 rows. Now I wonder, If I create a ind...
[6 replies] Last: helios, thank you (by volang)
No throw exception
I keep getting a no throw exception for the code I am writing for matrix multiplication. The error i...
[1 reply] : Please don't double post. (by lastchance)
Abstact class consturctor
I have the following class hierarchy. Vehicle is an abstract class which has a constuctor. The deriv...
[1 reply] : @wolfie16, When I try to compile your code I get a whole plethora of e... (by lastchance)
How does rand() and srand() working?
#include<iostream> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std; int main() { int random = rand(); ...
[1 reply] : Essentially like these: #include <iostream> size_t index {}; size_t ... (by keskiverto)
Assignment Help - Code Inside
Good day everyone, I have a c++ Assignment that says: Write a program that will have two user defin...
[3 replies] Last: Thank to you all, I apologize for not replying earlier, I couldnt reco... (by KingReno)
November 2018 Pages: 1... 678910... 12
  Archived months: [oct2018] [dec2018]

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