by Algonology
[5 replies] Last: No no it's not even 0.1% your fault.. it's because he didn't use codin... (by Satan)
by Forgetful
Conversion for functional-style cast from node* to iterator
[1 reply] : Why can't you just add a constructor on line 83 [code firstline=83]exp... (by mbozzi)
by swahajali
unary operator overloading using non member non friend function
[1 reply] : There's multiple unary operators in C++, each with different technique... (by Ganado)
by skink
Looking for valarray performance benchmarks
[no replies]
by laedus
To curry or not to curry
[7 replies] Last: I remembered that C++17 provides std::apply , so here's a version of ... (by mbozzi)
by d0253
Rule of three memory leaks
[6 replies] Last: for the assignment operator use the copy-and-swap idiom Grocery& Groc... (by ne555)
by Vostok17
Basic image processing
[15 replies] Last: Cheers, I've worked out the border thing too. (by Vostok17)
by deffonotsean
Removing punctuation from start and end of string
[9 replies] Last: This defaults to whitespace trimming* but you can give it a string of ... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by contredb
Compare data and time with the current and future data c+
[2 replies] Last: Use mktime() and difftime() https:/... (by salem c)
by dylanjk29
TicTacToe Project
[1 reply] : to get started, organize the requirements by what you can do and when.... (by jonnin)
by aarontan0219
A program for determine the largest and second largest value from entered integer
[2 replies] Last: What should SecondLargest() do if there are two instances of the large... (by dhayden)
Add sum of rows and colums for array |
[10 replies] Last: If you don't initialise it to 0 then the behaviour is "undefined" and ... (by lastchance)
by Forgetful
segmentation fault 11
[7 replies] Last: Are you still using the same main() program in your original post? Tha... (by dhayden)
by Browni3141
Strange shuffle() behavior
[6 replies] Last: > JLBorges, does your code create a new rng seeded with a true random ... (by JLBorges)
by alreem
if statement
[3 replies] Last: > Enter a sequence of in integers terminated by zero > 6 -7 -8 10 -12 ... (by ne555)
by duylong09
[Help] Matrix with undetermined dimension
[10 replies] Last: Very clean-looking and concise. I can see why people like it. (by tpb)
by contredb
Validate input data from user in a Class
[8 replies] Last: Thank you so much, i need it to validate numeric input but i just have... (by contredb)
by S04
Can someone help me start this program, completely new to c++ and no idea what I need to do.
[1 reply] : You need to read and show something. See (by keskiverto)
by Atilliar
Sharing software
[2 replies] Last: Edit: link removed Is this what you are looking for? (by Atilliar)
by adam2016
advice(I guess)
[8 replies] Last: I removed the constexpr, I like your program it's clean very presentab... (by adam2016)